Advertising and promotion of meds Flashcards
Advertising and promotion of medicines is in EU and UK law - lays out different requirements for advertising to the public and health professionals. True or false?
Definition of ‘advertisements’ for medicinal products includes anything designed to promote the prescription, supply, sale and or use of that product. True or false?
The supply of samples is defined as advertising for a medicinal product. True or false?
Advertising includes medical journals, circular or personal letters, newspapers etc. True or false?
Regulations don’t allow MHRA to require sight of medicines advertising before it is issued. True or false?
False - allow it
All MAs granted for new active substances have their promotional materials vetted. True or false?
Vetting is not usually requested for a reclassified product. True or false?
False - required
Vetting is usually required where previous advertising has breached regulations. True or false?
Complaints about advertising are not handled by MHRA but by a self-regulatory body. True or false?
False - handled by MHRA and/or self-regulatory body and the outcome is published
Information relating to human health or diseases where this is no reference to medicinal products is not classed as advertisements. True or false?
Medicinal products without a valid licence e.g. MA, traditional herbal registration or homeopathic registration can still be advertised for medicinal purposes. True or false?
It is in breach of the regulations to issue any promotional material for a licensable medicine until the licence has been granted. True or false?
An advertisement doesn’t have to comply with the particulars listed in the SPC. True or false?
False - must comply
An advertisement shouldn’t exaggerate the qualities of the product and shouldn’t be misleading. True or false?
An advertisement can promote a medicine for treating or preventing condition for which it has not been licensed for. True or false?
An advertisement may include statements not included in the SPC, provided these can be substantiated and are no inconsistent with the SPC information. True or false?
A licence holder has a duty to keep samples of advertising material available. True or false?
The minimum time that materials should be kept for by licence holders is 2 years. True or false?
False - 3 years
The MHRA maintains records of complaint cases for a period of 7 years from completion of any action. True or false?
Advertising to the public is permitted for medicines legally classified as P or GSL. True or false?
POM medicines can be advertised for what they are licensed for. True or false?
Government controlled vaccination campaigns that have been approved by health ministers can be advertised. True or false?
The Cancer Act prohibits any advertisement to the public that contains an offer to treat any person for cancer, or to prescribe any remedy for this treatment. True or false?
Advertisements should not compare a product with another identifiable product. True or false?
Advertising of meds should not be aimed at children under 18. True or false?
False - under 16s
Category claims such as “works faster than standard tablets” are allowed. True or false?
True - as long as don’t mention named product
An advertisement can’t state that a product has MHRA or DoH approval. True or false?
MHRA discourages companies and retail suppliers of medicines from undertaking any volume-based promotion which includes any products containing analgesics e.g. 3 fro the price of 2. True or false?
Internet advertising of meds is acceptable provided it complies with regulations. True or false?
Advertisements for POMs are only acceptable on websites whose nature and content are directed at HCPs. True or false?
True - these should have restricted access
In a journal, each page of an advertisement for a POM should be clearly labelled as intended for HCPs. True or false?