Vessels Of The Heart Flashcards
Contains blood being pumped by the left ventricle to all the systems of the body
Ascending aorta
Brings venous blood to the right atrium from the upper body
Superior vena cava
Lisa base of the aorta to the right of the pulmonary trunk and lies in the fat filled coronary sulcus as it passes to the posterior heart
Right coronary artery
Ear like flap of atrium
Right auricle
Enters the heart just after passing through the diaphragm
Inferior vena cava
For blood being pumped by the right ventricle to the lungs for a fresh supply of oxygen
Pulmonary trunk
This vessel leaves the base of the aorta and turns to lie in the coronary sulcus, the depression between atria and ventricles
Left coronary artery
The continuation of the left coronary artery to the posterior heart. It lies in the coronary sulcus
Circumflex artery
This branch of the left coronary artery lies in the fat filled anterior and interventricular sulcus, the depression over the interventricular septum. It supplies blood to both ventricles
Anterior interventricular artery
Lies in the anterior interventricular sulcus beside the artery. It continues by turning to lie in the coronary sulcus with the circumflex artery and then terminates on the posterior heart
Great cardiac vein
Ear like flap of left atrium
Left auricle
Take oxygenated blood into the left atrium
Pulmonary veins
Termination of the great cardiac vein. It lies in the coronary sulcus and serves as a reservoir for the venous blood
Coronary sinus
Direct continuation of the right coronary artery. Lies in the posterior interventricular sulcus
Posterior interventricular artery