Male Reproductive System Flashcards
Convoluted continuation of tubular system. Serves as a location for sperm maturation and storage
The site of sperm production
Seminiferous tubules
Tube that contains and propels sperm and fluid. It leaves the scrotum within the spermatic cord, then passes through that inguinal canal to enter the abdomen via the deep inguinal ring. When it reaches the posterior bladder, it joins the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct
Ductus deferens
The seminal fluid and the fluid containing the sperm join and pass through this duct into the prostatic urethra
Ejaculatory duct
Paired glands located posterior to and at the base of the urinary bladder. They produce an alkaline fluid containing nutrients
Seminal vesicle
This single gland is the largest accessory gland. It is located beneath the bladder and surrounds the urethra. It contracts to add it’s milky, alkaline fluid to the urethra through many small ducts
Prostate gland
Pea-sized, paired glands found inferior to the prostate gland on each side of the membrane yes urethra. They add additional alkaline fluid to the semen
Bulbourethral gland
The third and last segment of the male urethra. Sperm will leave the body through this section
Penile urethra
Two masses of erectile tissue filled with sinusoids
Corpora cavernosa penis
A ventrally positioned mass of erectile tissue filled with sinusoids
Corpus spongiosum