vessels Flashcards
what passes throught foramen spinosum?
middle meningeal artery +meningeal branch of mandibular nerve
what passes through foramen rotundum?
maxillary nerve
what passes through foramen ovale?
mandibular nerve + lesser petrosal
what passes through foramen lacrum?
internal carotid artery passes its posterior wall + greater petrosal nerve
what vessel goes over inferior petrosal sulcus?
inferior petrosal sinus
what nerves pass through jugular foramen?
cranial nerves 9,10,11.
what is another name of pterygopalatine fossa?
sphenopalatine fossa
what foramen does facial nerve pass through to exit skull
stylomastoid foramen
what goes over mastoid notch?
occipital artery
what goes through mandibular foramen?
inferior alveolar artery and nerve
what goes out of mental foramen?
mental artery, vein and nerve
where about does the common carotid branch?
superior margin of thyroid cartilage
what nerve goes right by side common carotid and internal carotid?
vagus nerve
what is inside carotid sheath?
common and internal carotid, internal jugular, vagus+ ansa cervicalis
what are the branches of external carotid artery?
the three anterior: superior thyroid, lingual artery (just above greater horn of hyoid), facial artery.
posterior: occipital, ascending pharyngeal, posterior auricular artery, superficial temporal and maxillary.
name a branch of superior thyroid artery
superior laryngeal artery
branches of maxillary A?
middle meningeal artery, deep auricular and anterior tympanic, inferior alveolar, deep temporal artery, buccal, posterior superior alveolar artery, pterygoid branches, the terminal comes out inferior to orbit which is infera-orbital artery
what are the branches of subclavian artery?
internal thoracic, thyrocervical (further into inferior thyroid), vertebral, costocervical
what is the origin of vertebral arteries?
what are the types of nerve associated with arteries?
muscle contraction-penetrate wall, mostly symp
hitch hikers-remain outside adventitia, parasymp,symp, sensory or a combo
example of branches of an artery to artery anastomosis?
left and right superior labial arteries
example of two arteries coming together to form one single artery?
vertebral arteries forming basilar artery
example of two arteries linked by small connecting artery?
circle of willis
example of arterio-venous anatsomosis?
capillary bed in skin of face for thermoregulation
level of arch of aorta?
manubriosternal joint
branches of arch of aorta?
brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid, left subclavian
level of brachiocephalic trunk branching?
right common carotid and subclavian
level of common carotid dividing?
top of thyroid cartilage of larynx
what does carotid sheath contain?
common and internal carotid, internal jugular, vagus, ansa cervicalis.
what structure is prominantly posterior to carotid sheath?
symp trunk
anterior and posterior branches of external carotid A.?
-superior thyroid
-lingual-deep to intermediate tendon of digastric
-facial-supplies submandibular and sublingual glands, soft palate, tonsils, superficial face.
-ascending pharyngeal-bellow posterior belly of digastric, supplies extra cranial pharynx, TMJ, tympanic cavity and also meninges (via an intracranial branch through foramen magnum)
-occipital-supplies occiput and SCM , grooves the occiput medial to mastoid process
-posterior auricular- supplies parotid, auricle, occiput, arises above posterior belly of digastric
terminal branches of external carotid?
superficial temporal and maxillary
where does the ex. carotid divide to form the terminal branches?
in the parotid
supraorbital and supratrochlear arteries are branches of —– artery.
ophthalmic artery which is a branch of internal carotid.
what is a variation of superior thryroid artery?
may arise from upper common carotid
branches of facial?
Tonsilar artery
Inferior and superior labial arteries
variation to facial artery?
may arise as a single trunk with lingual/ or with superior thyroid artery
ascending pharyngeal arises —- posterior belly, occipital passes —- to posterior belly. posterior auricular —- posterior belly.
well below
branches of superficial temporal?
transverse facial, zygomatico-orbital
where is transverse facial located and what does it supply?
below zygomatic arch and within parotid.
supplies parotid, inferior part of orbicularis oculi.
location of zygomatico-orbital and its supply?
above zygomatic arch, supplies superior orbicularis oculi
the very last branches of superficial temporal are —- and —- which supply ——- structures.
frontal and parietal branches,
scalp, ear, temporalis. Temporalis also supplied by deep temporal arteries.
facial artery terminates in —–.
medial corner of the eye
describe the course maxillary artery
passes medial to neck of the mandible, between two heads of lateral pterygoid, into pterygopalatine fossa.
but it branches before entering the fossa.
branches of maxillary artery
-deep auricular artery,
-anterior tympanic artery,
-middle meningeal artery and
-inferior alveolar artery
+ branches to muscles of mastication;
-medial and lateral pterygoid,
-deep temporal
-posterior superior alveolar
-infraorbital artery-terminal branch
infraorbital artery enters the orbit through —-
Branches into—–
inferior orbital fissure
superior alveolar arteries
deep auricular and anterior tympanic supply —,—-,—-.
tmj, tympanic membrane, middle ear
middle meningeal artery often passes between —- of —–.
two heads of auriculotemporal nerve
carotid body is a —– which detects —-.
oxygen levels
carotid body and sinus are both innervated by —,—- and —-.
symp trunk
branches of internal carotid?
inside skull it gives off opthalamic artery which supplies orbit, eye and forehed, which gives of terminal branches of supraorbital and supratrochlear.
branches of subclavian artery?
vertebral, internal thoracic, thyrocervical (branches to inferior thyroid artery ) trunk, costocervical trunk
vertebral artery passes through —- (foramen), then passes through—- to enter skull and forms a single—-.
foramen transversaria
foramen magnum
costocervical is deep to —–.
anterior scalene muscle
how is venous return assisted?
muscle in vein walls
external pressure from contraction of adjacent viscera, movement of adjacent viscera, suction of blood into thorax during inspiration and valves.
what are the tributaries of brachiocephalic vein?
inferior thyroid veins
vertebral veins
internal thoracic veins
what does internal jugular drain?
cranial dural sinuses
facial, lingual, pharyngeal, superior and middle thyroid veins.
between anterior and middle scalene muscles we have — and — coming off.
subclavian artery and brachial plexus.
tributaries of subclavian vein?
external jugular anterior jugulars (variable as may drain into external jugulars).
— and —- form the retromandibular vein.
maxillary and superficial temporal veins
anterior branch of retromandibular vein unites with the —- vein to form —-.
facial vein to form the internal jugular
the posterior branch of retromandibular vein unites with —– to form —-.
posterior auricular vein to form external jugular.
external jugular is —- to scm unlike internal jugular and common carotid.
facial vein is formed by confluence of —- and —- veins.
supra-orbital and supra-trochlear veins.
what does facial vein drain?
anterior maxilla, anterior mandible
NB-posterior mandible and maxilla are drained via pterygoid plexus.
—– connect facial vein to pterygoid venous plexus at the level of —–. And it drains —-,—- and —-.
deep facial vein
z. major
buccinator, masseter and z. major.
occipital vein drains into either —- or —- veins.
vertebral or posterior auricular veins
T/F: venous sinuses lack valves.
sss runs in dure beneath —–.
sagittal suture
cavernous sinus is connected to dural sinuses and other plexuses e.g. pterygoid plexus, and opthalamic vein through —- veins.
emissary veins
things that pass through cavernous sinus?
internal carotid with its symp plexus, oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, opthalamic, and maxillary divisions of trigeminal.
what does pterygoid venous plexus drain?
pterygoid muscles and lower temporalis
blood from pterygoid plexus drains into — vein then into —-.
maxillary vein
retromandibular vein