Triangles and muscles of neck Flashcards
how many cervical vertebrae and which ones are atypical?
seven, 2 atypical; atlas and axis.
key features of cervical vertebrae?
foramen transversarium, bifid spinous process.
features of atlas?
large articular facets, no body or spinous process, just anterior and posterior tubercles, groove on superior posterior arch for vertebral artery.
features of axis?
dens (odontoid process)
vertebral disks are —-, have two parts 1.—- 2—-
fibrocartilaginous, inner nucleus pulposus, outer annulus fibrosus.
joints between articular facets of vertebrae are—– joints (type) called—–(name).
synovial joints, zygapophyseal joints
what structures attach to ribs 1 and 2?
rib 1: from anterior to posterior-
Groove for subclavian vein, Tubercle for scalenus anterior==>groove for subclavian artery==> scalenus medius.
Rib2: tuberosity for serratus anterior==> tubercle for scalenus posterior.
what does hyoid bone consist of and what joints do they make?
body, greater horn-forms cartilaginous joint with the body, lesser horn-forms fibrous joint with the body and synovial joint with the base of GH.
what are the attachments of hyoid bone?
- strap muscles;supra and infrahyoid muscles of neck
- fibrous sling to intermediate tendon of digastric
- stylohyoid ligament
- middle pharyngeal constrictors
- thyrohyoid membrane-between hyoid bone and upper thyroid cartilage of larynx.
what forms the anterior triangles and posterior triangles?
1. digastric triangle formed by mandible and digastric tendon and both bellies & contains submandibular gland,
2. carotid triangle formed by medial side of sternocleidomastoid and superior belly of omohyoid and posterior belly of digastric & contains neurovascular bundle of neck (carotid, internal jugular, vagus, carotid sheath).
3. muscular triangle formed by medial side of superior belly of omohyoid and some medial side of sternocleidomastoid, anterior belly of digastric and midline-contains infrahyoid muscles and thyroid.
- occipital triangle is above inferior belly of omohyoid and contains deep cervical lymph nodes and accessory nerve.
- supraclavicular triangle-below omohyoid and contains subclavian artery and vein.
what does the roof and floor of posterior triangle contain?
roof-the most superficial and lateral part is the deep cervical fascia+accessory nerve, brachial plexus,deep cervical lymph nodes.
Floor which is the most medial part is the fascia + muscles e.g. splenius capitis, levator scapulae, scalenus muscles
attachments and movements of sternocleidomastoid?
sternum, manubrium, medial 1/3 of clavicle to anterolateral mastoid.
tilts and rotates head.
Flexes head and raises sternum.
attachments o0f trapezius and its movements?
external occipital protuberance and superior nuchal line to T12 in midline. Laterally; to lateral clavicle and acromion.
pulls shoulders back, rotates shoulder, raises arm, extends head.
what innervates trapezius and sternocleidomastoid?
both by:
motor-spinal accessory which is deep to both muscles
sensory-ventral cervical rami C2-C4, not ansa cervicalis, which travel with accessory nerve.
attachments and movements of digastric M?
anterior belly attached to digastric fossa on inferior mandible near midline and posterior belly attached to mastoid/digastric notch.
intermediate tendon attached to hyoid by fibrous sling.
it depresses mandible, elevated the hyoid.
The fibrous sling that connects the hyoid bone to digastric tendon is lined with —- —- & contains —–.
synovial membrane, synovial fluid.
innervation of digastric?
anterior belly; mylohyoid nerve
posterior belly; facial nerve
omohyoid attachments and movements?
superior belly: body of hyoid
inferior: upper border o9f scapula
intermediate tendon: clavicle and rib 1 by fascial sling.
depresses hyoid, tenses deep cervical fascia during prolonged inspiration.
innervation of omohyoid?
ventral branches of cervical nerves/ansa cervicalis=both motor and sensory (c1-c3)
sternocleidomastoid delineates —- and —–.
triangles of neck and superficial and deep lymph nodes.
structures superficial to SCM?
lesser occipital nerve,
greater auricular nerve,
transverse cutaneous nerve of neck
structures deep to SCM?
spinal accessory nerve and intermediate tendon of omohyoid
structures deep to digastric?
tendon: hypoglossal nerve
posterior belly: ascending pharyngeal artery (below), occipital (behind), posterior auricular artery (above).
Close association with stylohyoid, jugulodigastric nodes inferiorly.
landmarks associated with omohyoid?
divides muscular and carotid triangle, posterior into occipital and supraclavicular.
describe the divisions of accessory nerve in terms of their course, and their targets.
cranial root: arises in hindbrain, collects spinal root and enters jugular foramen.
Spinal root: motor and possibly sensory, arises cervical spinal cord and enters foramen magnum, joins cranial root and enters jugular foramen.
both separate just outside jugular foramen, with cranial joining vagus. Cranial and vagus supply voluntary muscles of pharynx, larynx, and soft palate.
spinal part goes under SCM, across floow of posterior triangle, under trapezius. Motor to SCM and trap.
list lateral vertebral muscles ?
and movements in general?
1.scalenus anterior-atatches to 1st rib between groove for subclavian vein and artery
2. scalenus medius-rib 1 behind groove for subclavian artery.
Anterior and medius are separated by brachial plexus and subclavian artery.
3.scalenus posterior-to rib 2
All of them elevate ribs, lateral flexors of neck
scalene muscles arise from—–
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae.
list prevertebral muscles? and their general movement and their innervation.
- longus colli-atlas to T3
- longus capitus-base of skull to transverse processes of C3-6
- rectus capitus anterior-atlas to base of skull
- rectus capitus lateralis-TP of atlas to base of skull
Flexe the neck and head
Innervated by cervical ventral rami.
list suprahyoid muscles.
geniohyoid-mental spine to hyoid
mylohyoid-mylohyoid line on mandible to hyoid
digastric-digastric fossa of mandible==>tendon==>mastoid notch
stylohyoid-styloid process to hyoid,
innervation of geniohyoid mylohyoid digastric stylohyoid
g=cervical ventral rami+some hypoglossal
m=mylohyoid nerve
d=facial n
s=facial n
list infrahyoid muscles:
sternohyoid-sternum to hyoid
thyrohyoid-thryroid cartilage to h
sternothyroid-sternum to thyroid cartilage of larynx
omohyoid-obliquely oriented
infrahyoid muscles movement?
larynx up and down, depress hyoid.
innervation of infrahyoid muscles?
asna cervicalis-muscular branches of cervical ventral rami
some from hypoglossal to thyrohyoid.
list the styloid muscles AND ligaments
- stylohyoid
- stylopharyngeus-styloid p. to pharynx between superior and middle constrictor.
- styloglossus-styloid p. to underside of tongue.
- Stylomandibular ligament-styloid p. to angle of mandible
- stylohyoid ligament- styloid p. to h. Medial to stylohyoid muscle.
innervation of stylopharyngeus and its movement.
glossopharyngeal nerve
elevates pharynx during swallowing and speech
innervation of styloglossus and movement?
hypoglossal nerve
elevates the tongue
stylohyoid innervation?
motor facial nerve
—- is often pierced by intermediate tendon of digastric.
name two plexuses derived from cervical ventral rami
cervical and brachial +phrenic nerve
cervical plexus has —-branches (modality) and —- branches (arranged in—–)
muscular branches
arranged in ansa cervicalis (muscular ones).
list the cutaneous branches of cervical plexus.
lesser occipital- C2, scalp, posterior to auricle
greater auricular-C2,C3, skin over mastoid, auricle, parotid, also sensory innervation of parotid
transverse nerve of neck-C2,C3,skin of anterolateral neck
supraclavicular nerves-C3,C4, skin over clavicle & upper thorax, skin of upper and posterior shoulder, only nerves of cutaneous cervical p. which DO NOT CROSS SCM.
Ansa cervicalis is embedded in—-, has superior roots derived from — which accompanies ——, joining inferior root which is derived from —&—.
carotid sheath
hypoglossal nerve
C2 &C3
Hypoglossal nerve travels with —–, gives off branches to —-,—-,—-muscles. Then joins the —–, to supply the muscles —- and —–.
ansa cervicalis
styloglossus,hyoglossus, genioglossus.
Ansa cervicalis,
geniohyoid and thyrohyoid.