vertebral column Flashcards
How many vertebrae?
… 7 cervical
12 thoracic
5 lumbar
5 sacral
4 coccygeal
Function of vertebral column?
House spinal cord, supports trunk (& UE)
What are the curvatures of the spine?
Primary and secondary
Primary curvature
Concave anteriorly : thoracic and sacral
Secondary curvature
Concave posteriorly: cervical and lumbar
Hunchback (thoracic)
Curvature to side
Excessive ant curve of lumbar
Typical vertebrae
Intervertebral discs between ventral bodies (wt bearing)
Vertebral arch:
2 pedicles
2 transverse processes
2 laminas
1 spinous process
2 sup and 2 inf articulate processes and facets
2 sup and inf vertebral notch
Vertebral foramen
Between the body and transverse processes
Between transverse and spinous processes
Superior articular process faces ____ in typical vertebrae
Inferior articular process faces ____ in typical vertebrae
What forms intervertebral foramen?
Sup and inf vertebral notches
Vertebral foramen forms the ___ and houses ___
Vertebral canal
Spinal cord
How are cervical vertebrae distinguished
Transverse foramen in the transverse processes (ant and post tubercles)
Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae transmits what A, V, N
Vertebral A & V
Sympathetic N
Vertebral A & V doesn’t go through which transverse process?
Cervical vertebrae: articulating surface of sup articular fact points…
Superiorly and posteriorly ~45 deg
Which cervical vertebrae have bifid spinous processes
C7 has long spinous process called…
Vertebra prominens
C1 and 2 are ____ vertebrae
Thoracic vertebrae are distinguished by…
Costal facets and demi-facets
Transverse costal facets
Thoracic typical vertebrae have
Demi-facets superiorly and inferiority for rib articulations
Thoracic atypical vertebrae have
Entire costal facets (T1 and demi T2)
T10 sup costal facet T10 (11&12 w no transverse costal facet)
Lumbar vertebrae distinguished by…
Large bodies
No costal facets
No transverse foramen
Lumbar vertebrae articulating surface for sup facets point
Med (sagittal plane)
T12-L5 have ___ tubercles (processes) on sup articular processes and accessory tubercles on the transverse processes
What comes off mamillary process?
What comes off accessory process?
Sacral vertebrae are distinguished by
Fused vertebrae
What transmits spinal roots and rami that make up the cauda equina (lower end of spinal cord)?
Sacral canal and hiatus
Spinal roots for spinal nerves near ____&___ foramina w/in sacral canal region
Ant & post
Coccyx made up of
4 fused vertebrae
Vertebral bodies are stacked on one another with ________ in between
Intervertebral disc
Vertebral end plates cover
Vertebral body (hyaline and fibro cartilage)
Annulus fibrosis (outside fibrous layer) is made up of
Chondroblasts, fibroblasts
10-12 layers of annulus fibrosis
All run in same direc, but next lamellae run in
oppo direc (perpendicular to each oth)
Nucleus pulposus (inner gelatinous material) is made up of
Chondroblasts, fibroblasts
Nucleus pulposus is ____ and not ____
Avascular and innervated
Zygapophyseal joint (facet joints) have ___ mvt between articular processes
Ant longitudinal lig runs from
Sacrum to skull anterior side of vertebral bodies
Ant and post longitudinal lig attaches to
Discs and vertebral bodies
Ant longitudinal lig is stretched (limited) w
At C0-1 ant longitudinal lig name changes to
Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
Post longitudinal lig runs along
Post side of vertebral bodies w/in vertebral canal
Post longitudinal lig stretched (limited)
At C0-2 post longitudinal lig name changes to
Tectorial membrane
Ligamenta flava attaches ___ to adjacent vertebrae
Ligamenta flava becomes _____ at C0-1
Post atlanto-occipital membrane
Interspinous lig runs obliquely to attach
Adjacent spinous processes
Supraspinatus lig attach adjacent tips of ____ processes
Intertransverse lig attach adjacent ____ processes
Limit flexion
Uncovertebral joints
Articulation between adjacent cervical vertebral bodies at the unicate (unciform) processes
Unicate processes are seen on ___ edges of vertebral body
Lat and sometimes ant
Craniovertebral joints
Atlanto-occipital joint
Atlanto-axial joint
Atlanto-occipital joint articulation between
Occipital condoles of occipital bone and superior articular facets of C1
Synovial joint
AO joint mvt
Flex/ext head
Some lat flex (rocking)
Atlanto-axial joint
Skull and C1 rotate as unit on C2
Atlanto-axial joint articulates between
Dens of C2 and post surface of ant arch of C1
Atlanto-axial joint =____ % head rot (oth 50%= cervical vertebrae)
Mvt of atlanto-axial joint
Flex /ext head
Cruciform lig
Transverse lig of atlas
Sup/inf longitudinal bands
Transverse lig of atlas attaches to
Masses of C1 and runs post to dens to form synovial joint
Sup/inf longitudinal bands found from
Transverse lig of atlas to occipital bone above and the body of C2 below
Alar lig
Extend form sides of sup dens to lat margins of foramen magnum (prevent excessive rot)
Tectorial membrane
Superior sontinuation of post longitudinal lig