neck Flashcards
Attachment point for musc of speech and swallowing
Hyoid bone
Parts of hyoid bone
Greater (rear) horns
Lesser (front lat) horns
Body (front)
Thyroid cartilage houses and protects
Larynx (true vocal cords/vocal ligament)
Play imp role in speech and swallowing
The area between the true vocal cords and the entryway into the lung is ____, it’s covered by the ____
Thyrohyoid membrane connects ____ to hyoid bone
Thyroid cartilage
What cartilage sits below the thyroid cartilage
What lig attaches cricoid cartilage to thyroid cartilage
TMJ articulations (3)
Head of mandible
Articular disc
Mandibular fossa of temporal bone
What ligs strengthen TMJ
Temporomandibular (lat)
\—> Neck mandible - zygomatic proces
\—> styloid process (temporal)- angle of
\—>interior ramus of mandible-spine sphenoid
Mvt of TMJ superior compartment:
Protrusion and retrusion
\—>mvt of translation (gliding mvt of articular
disc on mandibular fossa)
Mvt of TMJ inferior compartment:
Elevation (mouth closed) and depression (mouth open)
\—>mvt of rolling and gliding (spinning) on articular disc
Lateral excursion (lat devistion is complex med-lat mvt which occurs while
Musc of mastication
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
Masseter OIA
OI: Zygomatic arch-angle of mandible
A: elev, some protrusion
Temporalis OIA
OI: Temporal fossa-ramus mandible (under zygomatic)
A: elevation, retrusion
Med pterygoid OIA
OI: pterygoid plate (sphenoid bone)- ramus and angle of mandible
A: elev, some protrusion
Lat pterygoid OIA
OI: pterygoid plate-neck of mandible
A: lat excursion, protrusion
All musc of mastication innervated by CN V3
Trigeminal n
Superficial fascia of neck contains
Nerves and vessels
External jugular vein
Platysma (sheet like musc, wrinkles skin neck)
Cut innervation of skin of head and neck
\—> ant (face, CN V1-3), post (back of head and
neck), lat (sides of head and neck, ant neck)
Greater occipital n (dorsal rami C2) innervates ___ ; dorsal rami (C3-7) innervates posterior head and ___
Post head
Post neck
Lesser occipital n (ventral rami C2-3) innervates ___ and greater auricular n (ventral rami C2-3) innervates ____
Lat neck
Post ear and neck
Transverse cervical n ventral rami C2-3) and supraclavicular n (ventral rami C3-4) innervate
Ant neck and lower lat neck
Nerve point of neck
Area about post middle of sternocleidomastoid
Deep fascia of neck (3)
Investing (cervical)
\___> layers also form carotid sheath
Carotid sheath surrounds
Common carotid artery
Internal jugular vein
Post cervical triangle borders
Ant: SCM
Post: trapezius
Base: clavicular
Sternocleidomastoid OINA
O: mastoid process, sup nuchal line
I: manubrium, med clavicle
A: bilat: ext, flex C spine
Unilateral: lat flex same side, rot to oppo
External jugular drains scalp and side of face into
Subclavian vein (goes to heart)