vertebral column 1 prac Flashcards
vertebral body - cervical
Uncinate processes / uncovertebral lips present on the posterolateral aspect of the superior vertebral body
vertebral arch
C: lateral projects
T: less lateral
L: thick pedicles
transverse processes: cervical
- short
- transverse foramen present for vertebral artery & vein pathway; -anterior & posterior tubercles present for muscle attachment and spinal nerve pathway between them
spinous process
C: Bifid for ligamentum nuchae / muscle attachment
T: long, downward pointing
L: thick, blunt
collection of 5 fused vertebrae. Described as an upside down triangle, with apex pointing inferiorly. On lat. walls of the sacrum are facets, for articulations with the pelvis at sacro-iliac joint
IVD in resisting mvm
50% of collagen fibres aligned in one direction and 50% in other in opp. direction so when rotate, 1/2 tension
IVD cervical
uncovertebral clefts = in rotation allows more mvmt. no restriction
- thick ant. AF = pivot for rotation
- 45˚ ZPJ, coronal
IVD lumbar
weight bearing - fibrosis - no unconvertebral clefts NP - gelatine - 90% water - vertical ZPJ
radiate ligament
connects vertebral body to ribs = stabilisation
anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL)
attached to basilar part of occipital bone, then to anterior tubercle of atlas, then to anterior body of axis and continues down vertebral column
posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL)
- attached superiorly to the posterior body of the axis - continues superiorly as the “tectorial membrane”
- usually broad and uniform in width in the cervical region, so is not scalloped
Ligamentum nuchae (LN)
- basically a combination of the interspinous ligaments and the supraspinous ligament
- extends from the external occipital protuberance and crest to the C7 spinous process
- forms a median septum, and its fibrous laminae are attached to the midline of the squamous occipital bone, posterior tubercle of C1, and spinous processes of C2-C6.
Transverse ligament of atlas
attached to the medial surfaces of the lateral masses of the atlas. Passes posteriorly to the dens.
Alar ligament
These arise from the posterolateral aspect of the dens of the axis and attach to the margins of the foramen magnum.
- radiate ligament
- costotransverse ligaments