Vergil vocab 4 Flashcards
collum, -ī
neck (n.)
cor, cordis
heart, spirit, feelings (n.)
haereō, haerēre, haesī, haesus
to hang, cling (to)
incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptus
to begin, undertake
memor, memoris
mindful, remembering, unforgetting
mēnsa, -ae
table (f.)
equally, on equal terms
pendeō, pendēre, pependī
to hang
after (that), when
quantus, -a, -um
how much, how great, how many
quiēs, -ētis
calm, peace, quiet, lull (f.)
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus
to try, test, attempt, seek
tueor, tuērī, tuitus sum
to watch, guard
vīnum, -ī
wine (n.)
aureus, -a, -um
golden, of gold
bonus, -a, -um
good, kind(ly), useful
gravis, -e
heavy, weighty, serious
impleō, implēre, implēvī, implētus
to fill, satisfy
incendō, incendere, incendī, incensus
to light, inflame
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum
to speak, say
pōscō, pōscere, popōscī
to demand, seek
canō, canere, cecinī, cantus
to sing (of), chant, proclaim
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus
to teach, instruct
homō, hominis
man, mortal, human (m./f.)
lūna, -ae
moon (f.)
mora, -ae
delay, hindrance, hesitation (f.)
pecus, pecudis
member of flock, animal (f.)
after (+ acc.); afterward, then
sōl, sōlis
sun; day (m.)
Trōs, Trōis
Trojan (m.)
whence, from what source (cause)
varius, -a, -um
varied, different
Achillēs, -is
Greek chieftain (m.)
Aurōra, -ae
goddess of dawn, mother of Memnon, a Trojan ally (f.)
Hector, Hectoris
Trojan leader (m.)
inquam, inquis, inquit
to say
portō, portāre, portāvī, portātus
to carry, bear, bring
quālis, -e
of what sort, such (as)