Chpt. 29 - imperfect subjunctive; present and imperfect subjunctive of sum and possum; result clauses Flashcards
fātum, fātī
fate; death (n.)
ingenium, ingeniī
nature, innate talent (n.)
moenia, moenium
walls of a city (n. pl.)
nāta, nātae
daughter (f.)
ōsculum, ōsculī
kiss (n.)
sīdus, sīderis
constellation, star (n.)
dignus, digna, dignum
worth, worthy of
dūrus, dūra, dūrum
hard, harsh, rough, stern, unfeeling, hardy, difficult
tantus, tanta, tantum
so large, so great, of such a size
at last, finally, lastly
so, thus
quidem; nē..quidem
indeed, certainly, at least, even; not…even
so, thus
tam; tam…quam, tamquam
so, to such a degree; so…as; as it were, as if, so to speak
in truth, indeed, to be sure, however
condō, condere, condidī, conditum
to put together or into, store; found, establish
contendō, contendere, contendī, contentum
to strive, struggle, contend; hasten
molliō, mollīre, mollīvī, mollītum
to soften; make calm or less hostile
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātum
to fight
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, respōnsum
to answer
surgō, surgere, surrēxī, surrēctum
to get up, arise
fate; death (n.)
fātum, fātī
nature, innate talent (n.)
ingenium, ingeniī
walls of a city (n. pl.)
moenia, moenium
daughter (f.)
nāta, nātae
kiss (n.)
ōsculum, ōsculī
constellation, star (n.)
sīdus, sīderis
worth, worthy of
dignus, digna, dignum
hard, harsh, rough, stern, unfeeling, hardy, difficult
dūrus, dūra, dūrum
so large, so great, of such a size
tantus, tanta, tantum
at last, finally, lastly
so, thus
indeed, certainly, at least, even; not…even
quidem; nē..quidem
so, thus
so, to such a degree; so…as; as it were, as if, so to speak
tam; tam…quam, tamquam
in truth, indeed, to be sure, however
to put together or into, store; found, establish
condō, condere, condidī, conditum
to strive, struggle, contend; hasten
contendō, contendere, contendī, contentum
to soften; make calm or less hostile
molliō, mollīre, mollīvī, mollītum
to fight
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātum
to answer
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, respōnsum
to get up, arise
surgō, surgere, surrēxī, surrēctum