Chpt. 28 - subjunctive mood; present subjunctive; jussive and purpose clauses Flashcards
arma, armōrum
arms, weapons (n. pl.)
cursus, cursūs
running, race; course (m.)
lūna, lūnae
moon (f.)
occāsiō, occāsiōnis
occasion, opportunity (f.)
parēns, parentis
parent (m./f.)
stēlla, stēllae
star, planet (f.)
vesper, vesperis (or vesperī)
evening; evening star (m.)
mortuus, mortua, mortuum
prīnceps, prīncipis
chief, foremost; leader, emperor (m./f.)
ut (subjunctive)
in order that, so that, that, in order to, so as to, to; as, when
not; in order that…not, that…not, in order not to
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum
to go, withdraw; yield to, grant, submit
dēdicō, dēdicāre, dēdicāvī, dēdicātum
to dedicate
egeō, egēre, eguī
to need, lack, want
expleō, explēre, explēvī, explētum
to fill, fill up, complete
praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitum
to excel; exhibit, show, offer, supply, furnish
taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitum
to be silent, leave unmentioned
arms, weapons (n. pl.)
arma, armōrum
running, race; course (m.)
cursus, cursūs
moon (f.)
lūna, lūnae
occasion, opportunity (f.)
occāsiō, occāsiōnis
parent (m./f.)
parēns, parentis
star, planet (f.)
stēlla, stēllae
evening; evening star (m.)
vesper, vesperis (or vesperī)
mortuus, mortua, mortuum
chief, foremost; leader, emperor (m./f.)
prīnceps, prīncipis
in order that, so that, that, in order to, so as to, to; as, when
ut (subjunctive)
not; in order that…not, that…not, in order not to
to go, withdraw; yield to, grant, submit
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum
to dedicate
dēdicō, dēdicāre, dēdicāvī, dēdicātum
to need, lack, want
egeō, egēre, eguī
to fill, fill up, complete
expleō, explēre, explēvī, explētum
to excel; exhibit, show, offer, supply, furnish
praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitum
to be silent, leave unmentioned
taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitum