Verbs - simple past Flashcards
Group 1 verbs simple past
e.g. lähteä
e.g. ajaa
e.g. saapua
e.g. tietää, lentää
Final vowel of stem replaced by -i, but with some exceptions
Note that 3rd person singular has short i
-e is always replaced by -i
lähdin, lähdit, lähti. lähdimme, lähditte, lähtivät
if verb has -a in 1st and 2nd syllable, the second -a becomes -o in front of past tense -i
ajoin, ajoit, ajoi. ajoimme, ajoitte, ajoivat
if last vowel of stem is round, the -i is added after that vowel, before the personal ending
3rd person sg does not lengthen vowel
saavuin, saavuit, saapui. saavuimme, saavuitte, saapuivat
there are some exceptions: these verbs end in -tää
tiesin, tiesit, tiesi. tiesimme, tiesitte, tiesivät
lensin, lensit, lensi. lensimme, lensitte, lensivät
Group 3 verbs simple past
e.g. mennä
Present tense has link vowel -e-
To form past tense, -e is replaced by -i
3rd person singular has short-i
menin, menit, meni. menimme, menitte, menivät
Group 4 verbs simple past
e.g. haluta
Present tense has -A added before personal ending
In past tense, -si is added instead of -A
halusin, halusit, halusi. halusimme, halusitte, halusivat
simple past & diphthongs
When the -i is added to a diphthong, the first vowel is dropped and uo becomes -oi, yö becomes -öi, and ie becomes -ei
syödä -> söin, söit, söi, söimme, söitte, söivät