Verbs Flashcards
What are the categories of Verbs?
Action Verbs, Linking Verbs, Helping Verbs, Compound Verbs
What are Action Verbs?
Action Verbs express the action performed by a subject. The tense of an Action Verb (past, present, etc) gives information about when the action was performed.
What are Linking Verbs?
Linking Verbs “link” the subject to a noun or adjective.
is, are, was, become, feel, seem
What are Helping Verbs?
Helping Verbs “help” other words to become complete compound verbs. Can be any verb.
some examples: is, was, has, does, will should, can, be
What are Compound Verbs?
Compound Verb is made up of two or more words that function as a single verb.
Consist of a helping verb and another verb that forms compound verbs. “-ing” words need helping verbs to become complete compound verbs, for example.
In regards to Compound Verbs, what should you keep in mind, or what is the warning?
Sometimes another word (an adverb) can separate the individual verbs within this kind of verb form.
Analyze this sentence, and…
What is the compound verb, the adverb, helping verb?
He has frequently defaced public property.
“has defaced” is the verb.
“frequently” is an adverb, (telling how often “has defaced” has happened).
“has” is the Helping Verb
“defaced” is an “-ed” word created from the verb “deface”.
Come back in put the example in this
Comeback and put the other example in this
Put the third example in this
What are Gerunds?
A “-ing” word that derives from verbs but functions as a noun. They can sometimes be subjects, objects of verbs or prepositions. These are NOT verbs.
What is a good rule for Gerunds when looking for the main verb in a sentence?
An “-ing” word without a helper verb isn’t a real verb.
What is the helper verb and verb form in the following sentence?
I am boxing
The verb form is “am boxing”. “Am” is the helper verb and “boxing” is part of the verb form.
What is the verb, and the gerund?
I love boxing.
The verb is “love”.
The gerund is “boxing”.
What is the adjective and the noun?
I wish Christian Bale were my boxing coach,
The adjective is “boxing”.
The noun is “coach”.
Why can identifying verbs be tricky?
Its because some constructions look like verbs, but aren’t really. Infinitives are another example.
What is an Infinitive?
The infinitive form is the base form BEFORE you conjugate the verb. An infinitive is never the main or working verb of a sentence.
Infinitives can take the forms “to love”, “to defeat”, “to go”.
What are the similarities between Gerunds and Infinitives?
Infinitives can act like nouns to some degree, can be the subjects of sentences or the objects of verbs.
What is the infinitive and the subject of the sentence?
To love is divine.
“To love” is an infinitive.
“To love” is also the subject,
What is the verb, what is the infinitive and what is the object of the verb?
I hate to pay taxes.
“To pay” is the infinitive.
“To pay” is also the object.
“hate” is the verb of the object.