verbs - أفعال Flashcards
to eat
أكَلَ - يَأكُلُ - أَكْل
can - to be able to - to be capable of
اِسْتَطاعَ - يَسْتَطيعُ - اِسْتِطاعة
form X : prefix اِستَـ related to requesting or seeking
to be - to exist - to take place
كانَ - يَكون - كَوْن أو كِيان
to begin - to start
بَدَأَ - يَبْدَأُ - بِداية
to buy - to purchase
اِشْتَرى - يَشْتَري - الاِشْتِراء
form VIII : reflexive, doing for oneself
to descent - to come down - to go down
نزل - يَنزِل - نُزُول
to do
فَعَلَ - يَفْعَلُ
to enter - to accede - to reach
اِلْتَحَقَ بِ - يَلْتَحِقُ بِ - اِلْتِحاق
form VIII : reflexive (ت indicates “himself”) and doing with effort
to feel - to sense - to become aware (of something)
شَعَرَ بِ - يَشْعُرُ بِ - شِعْر
to give
أعْطَى - يُعْطي - عْطاء أو عَطاء
form IV (prefix أ) : transitive (has an object) and causative (expressing an action)
to go - to leave - to travel
ذَهَبَ - يَذْهَبُ - ذَهاب أو مَذْهَب
to graduate (from)
تَخَرَّج - يَتَخَرَّج - تَخَرُّج
form V : passive meaning or reflexive force of prefix تَـ + the doubling of رّ indicating that the act is done with intensity, emphasis
to help - to assist
سآعَدَ في - يُساعِد في - المُساعَدة في
form III : expresses effort, attempt + sharing
to leave (from) - to exit - to get out
خَرَجَ مِن - يَخْرُجُ - خُروج
to listen - listen closely
اِسْتَمَع إلى - يَسْتَمِعُ إلى - اِسْتِماع إلى
form VIII : doing for oneself and doing with effort, carefulness
to live
عاش - يعيش - عَيْش
to love - to like
حَبَّ - يَحِبُّ - حُبّ أو مَحَبَّة
to make contact - to communicate with - to call on the phone
اِتَّصَلَ بِ - يَتَّصِلُ بِ - آتِّصال
form VIII : doing for oneself and doing with effort
- to memorize - study - review lessons
- to memorize - preserve - conserve
١. ذاكَرَ - يُذاكِرُ - مُذاكرة
٢. حَفِظَ - يَحْفَظُ - الحِفْظ
to need (something)
اِحتاجَ إلى - يَحتاجُ - اِحْتِيَاج
form VIII : reflexive (ت indicates “himself”), doing for oneself
to prefer (X over Y)
فضّل على - يُفَضِّلُ - تَفْضيل
form II : often causative
to read
قرأ - يقرأُ - قِراءة
to refuse - to deny - to decline
رَفَضَ - يَرْفُضُ - الرَفض
to request - to search - to ask - to order - to wish
طَلَبَ - يَطْلُبُ - طَلَب
to ride - to mount
رَكِبَ - يَرْكَبُ - رُكوب
to see - to perceive with the eyes
رَأى - يَرَى - رُؤْيَة
to see - to witness - to attend - to testify - to confirm - to certify
شَهِدَ - يَشْهَدُ - شُهُود
to talk - to speak - to address
كلَّم - يُكَلِّم - تَكليم - كلام
form II : often by a number of individuals
- to study - to learn
- to learn (e.g. a language, a new word)
١. دَرَسَ - يَدْرُسُ - دِراسْ أو دِراسة
٢. تَعَلَّمَ - يَتَعَلَّم - التعَلُّم
to succeed in - pass in - to be successful
نَجَحَ في - يَنْجَحُ في - نَجاح
- to take
- to understand
- to begin
أَخَذَ - يأَخُذُ - أخْذ
- to teach - instruct - educate
(root: study) - to teach - instruct - educate
(root: knowledge)
١. درّس - يدرّس - تَدْريس
٢. عَلَّمَ - يُعَلِّمُ - تَعْليم
to wait for - to await
اِنْتَظَرَ - يَنْتَظِرُ - اِنْتِظار
form VIII : doing for oneself and doing with concern
to walk
مَشى - يَمْشي - مَشْي
to want
أَرَادَ - يُريد - إرادة
form IV : transitive - has an object (prefix أ)
to work - to do - to practice
عَمِلَ - يَعْمَلُ - عَمَل
- to think - to consider
- to think about doing something
١. فكّر - يُفكِّرُ - تَفْكير
٢. فكّر في- يُفكِّرُ في - تَفْكير في
to sit
جَلَسَ - يَجْلِسُ - جُلوس
to smoke
دَخَّنَ - يُدَخِّن - تدخين
form II
to receive (a person, radio broadcast)
اِسْتَقْبَلَ - يَسْتَقْبِلُ - اِستِقْبال
form X : prefix اِستَـ related to requesting or seeking
to return - to go back - to become ( x 2)
١. عَادَ - يَعُودُ - عَوْدة
٢. رَجَعَ إلى - يَرْجِع إلى - الرُجوع إلى
to breakfast
فَطَرَ - يَفْطُرُ - فُطور
to play
لَعِبَ - يَلعَبُ - تَلْعَاب
to awaken someone - to wake up someone
أَيْقَظَ - يُوقِظُ - إيقاظ
form IV (prefix أ) : transitive (has an object) and causative (expressing an action)
to come
جاء - يَجيء - مَجيء
to stay up late
سَهِرَ - يَسْهَر - سَهَر
to understand
فهِم - يفهم - فَهْم
to reside - stay (e.g. hotel)
أقام - يُقيم - الإقامة
form IV (prefix أ)
to enjoy
اِستَمتَعَ بِ - يَستَمْتِع بِ - الاِسْتِمْتاع
form X : prefix اِستَـ related to seeking for oneself
to sleep
نام - ينام - نوم
to try
حاوَلَ - يُحاوِل - مُحاوَلة
form III : expresses effort, attempt
to die
مات - يَموت - مَوْت
to run
جَرى - يَجْري - جَرْي
to swim
سَبَحَ - يَسْبَح - سِباحة
to dance
رَقَصَ - يَرْقُص - رَقْص
to paint - draw
رَسَمَ - يَرْسُمُ - رَسْم