Verbs Flashcards
Stative verbs
Can relate to physical actions
Can refer to mental actions and states
Describing a static condition, situation, or state of being e.g. feeling:like, thoughts:know, senses:feel, possession:belong, measure:cost.
Main verb
In a sentence it is the main ‘doing’ that expresses the main meaning e.g. driving
Auxiliary verbs
Places before the main verb to help clarify the action e.g.’I must have been’
Regular main verbs
Most carry the meaning of the sentence e.g jump, talk, dance ect.
Most main verbs have regular inflection or principles e.g. Jumped, jump, jumping
Irregular main verbs
Carry the meaning of the sentence but do not have regular inflections or principles e.g. sung, sing, singing
Primary Auxiliary verbs
Be: am, are, been, being, was, were
Have: has, had, having
Do: does, did, doing
Modal auxiliary verbs
Only used with a main verb, they are: can, will, shall, may, might, must, could, would, should, ought. (Can add tense or possibility)