Verb Fix Devoir Flashcards
I must
Je dois
You must (singular, informal)
Tu dois
He/She/One must
Il/Elle/On doit
We must
Nous devons
You must (plural, formal)
Vous devez
They must
Ils/Elles doivent
I have had to (do something)
J’ai dû
You have had to (singular, informal)
Tu as dû
He/She/One has had to
Il/Elle/On as dû
We have had to
Nous avons dû
You have had to (plural, formal)
Vous avez dû
They have had to
Ils/Elles ont dû
I was having to / I had to / I used to have to
Je devais
You were having to/ You used to have to (singular, informal)
Tu devais
He/She/One was having to / He/She/One used to have to
Il/Elle/On devait
We were / We used to have to
Nous devions
You were having to/ You used to have to (plural, formal)
Vous deviez
They were having to/ they use to have to
Ils/Elles devaient
I will have to (to do something)
Je devrai
You must (singular, informal)
Tu devras
He/She/One must
Il/Elle/On devra
We must
Nous devrons
You must (plural, formal)
Vous devrez
They must
Ils/Elles devront
I owe you some money
je te dois de l’argent
I had to leave before the end of the film
J’ai dû partir avant la fin du film
They will have to leave on time
Ils devront partir à l’heure
I must go to pick up my brother at the station at 5PM
Je dois aller chercher mon frère à la gare à dix-sept heures