Verb/Adj Endings Flashcards
Present tense
Past tense
1) Future tense (basic)
2) stating someone’s supposition
-ㄹ/을 거예요
Future tense (as a reaction, or to express speakers will/promise)
Verb stem + -(으)ㄹ게요
To be/is
Noun + 이에요 / 예요
Desire or wish
1) first or second person
2) third person
a) Verb stem + -고 싶다
(Conjugate based on tense)
b) -고 싶어하다
Progressive (Present, Past, Future)
Repeated actions
Verb stem + -고 있다
-고 있어요, -고 있었어요, -고 있을 거예요
Progressive (Subject Honorific)
- 고 계시다
- 고 계세요
- 고 계셨어요
Can / Cannot
expreas ability to do something OR whether a situation permits something to be done
Verb stem + -ㄹ 수 있다
Verb stem + -ㄹ 수 없다
Have to, Should
- 아/어/여야 되다 (돼요)
- 아/어/여야 하다 (해요)
Verb stem + - (으)세요
Do it for me….
-아/어/여 주세요
to offer services to someone, “I will do (some action) for you
-아/어 드릴게요
Don’t do it…
Verb stem + -지 마세요
Negation (not, don’t, didn’t)
Verb stem + -지 않다
- So, because (Used to show reason and evidence)
- Used to connect two actions (consecutive, order)
- To indicate means and methods
-아/어/여 + -서
- 배고파서 밥 먹었어요.
- 놀이 동산에 가서 롤러코스터를 탔어요.
- 운동해서 살을 빼요.
Shows happen in sequence
Verb stem + -고
Relative clause ending
(verb past tense or an adjective directly modifying noun)
(ex good person OR the food that I ate)
Verb stem + -ㄴ/은
when one is “going to” or “coming from” a place in order to do something
(used with movement verbs, can be used with suggestions/commands)
VS + -(으)러
일자리에 지원하러 왔어요 = I came to apply for that job
친구를 만나러 여기로 왔어요.
저는 영화를 보러 나가고 싶어요.
Polite Formal Endings
1) present statement
2) question
3) future tense
4) to express suggestion or proposition
5) honorific (respect to subject & listener)
1) ㅂ / 습니다
2) ㅂ / 습니까?
3) -을/ㄹ 겁니다/겁니까?
4) -읍/ㅂ시다 (-읍/ㅂ십시오)
5) -(으)십니다 / -(으)십니까?
Honorific Subject Suffix
(Respect towards subject of the sentence)
Not sentence final suffix
With nouns
- (으) 시 +…
- (으)세요 or (으)셨어요 or -(으)실 거예요
- (으)십니다 or (으)셨습니다 or -(으)실 겁니다
- (이)시 (학생이세요)
drop ㄹ if final Consonant
Clausal Connective - contrast two facts or conditions
a) to give common background info
b) to contrast two clauses
c) to justify a request or proposal
d) surprise at discovery
Verb/ 있다, 없다 (present) + -는데
Adj/ 이다 (present) + ~(으)ㄴ데
Adj/Verb (past) + ~았/었는데
Noun + ㄴ/인데요 (였/이었는데요)
ㄹ is dropped
ㄷ—ㄹ (adj only)
a) To give background info and lets listener figure out what to do.
b) “Can I do anything for you?” is implied
c) used to deal with disagreement, denial, rejection without explicitly stating intentions
Verb stem + -(으)ㄴ/는데요
To try/attempt verb
Please try doing (something)
Have tried/experienced something
Verb 아/어 + 보다
Verb 아/어 + 보세요
Verb 아/어 봤어요