Ventilator Management Flashcards
Non-invasive Indications
- Spontaneous breathing, able to protect airway reflexes
- Conscious
- Inadequate response to first-line interventions where WOB is unrelieved; fatigue, persistent hypoxia, or hypercarbia
Non-invasive Absolute Contraindications
- Inability to achieve a good seal
- Suspected pneumothorax/barotraumas
- Inability to maintain airway patency: Cardiac/respiratory arrest, obtunded
- Major trauma, especially head injury w/ increased ICP
- Vomiting
Non-invasive Relative Contraindications
- Inability to cooperate, tolerate, or understand the use of device
- Claustrophobia
- RR > 30 bpm
BiPAP Settings
- Set patient gender and height & then select “NIV” as the mode
- To calculate IPAP add the ^Psupport & the PEEP. (i.e on interfacilities to set the
ventilator to an IPAP 12/ EPAP 6 you subtract the EPAP from the IPAP to find the
^Psupport. To provide report to receiving facilities add the ^Psupport & PEEP to obtain
the IPAP.) - Set ^Psupport: 6cmH2O
- Set PEEP(EPAP): 6cmH2O
- IPAP is the sum of PEEP & ^Psupport, titrate to a max additive pressure of 20 cm
H2O - If currently on BiPAP: Mirror facility’s settings
- Press “Confirm” & then press “Start Ventilator”
- Adjust FiO2 to maintain SPO2 >92%
- Adjust P-ramp to 50-100ms
- Adjust ETS to 40%
- Place on standby mode
- Apply mask to patient, using correct size, & close external vent ports
^Psupport may be adjusted based on exhaled tidal volumes. Titrate ^Psupport from
6 cmH2O in increments of 2cmH2O every 2 minutes until the goal tidal volume of 6-8mL/Kg.
EtCO2 may be unreliable but may be used for trending. Simply monitor to ensure improving EtCO2, mentation, & WOB. Intubate if the sum of the ^Psupport & PEEP are at a max of
20cmH2O & the patient is worsening as this indicates failure of BiPAP.
PEEP(EPAP) may be adjusted from 5-14cmH2O to achieve adequate oxygenation if FiO2 is unable to be weaned less than 60%.
Initial vent settings Adults/Peds >10 kg
- Tidal volume: 6-8 mL/kg IBW
- Mode: APVcmv
- Rate: 16-25 bpm (Adults)
18-30 bpm (peds)
30-40 bpm (neo) - I-time: Achieve I:E ratio of 1:2
- PEEP: 5-8 cmH2O **Max PEEP 14 cmH2O (before md direction)
- FiO2: 100%, titrate to maintain SpO2 ≥ 92%
- PIP alarm: 40 cmH2O (adults)
20 cmH2O (peds/neo)