Ventilation Flashcards
What is ventilation
Amount of air-flow in the lungs
Describe the difference between minute ventilation and alveolar ventilation
Minute ventilation is the volume of air that flows into or out of the lung in one minute, and alveolar ventilation is
the volume of air that flows into or out of the alveolar space in one minute. Minute is always larger than alveoli ventilation b/c it includes air flowing in the conducting paths plus alveoli Minute ventilation is the volume of air that flows into or out of the lung in one minute, and alveolar ventilation is
the volume of air that flows into or out of the alveolar space in one minute. Minute is always larger than alveoli ventilation b/c it includes air flowing in the conducting paths plus alveoli
List factors that influence lung ventilation
Bronchodilators/constrictors, exercise, altitude, obstructive diseases, restrictive disease, gravity
How do bronchodilators/constrictors affect ventilation
Bronchodilators increase alveolar ventilation, whereas bronchoconstrictors reduce ventilation.
How does exercise affect ventilation
During moderate exercise, ventilation can increase ~10-fold in order to meet the
demands of increased CO2 productionDuring moderate exercise, ventilation can increase ~10-fold in order to meet the
demands of increased CO2 production
How does altitude affect ventilation
Ventilation increases to meet the increased demands of O2
How do obstructive and restrictive diseases affect ventilation
These can reduce ventilation by increasing airway
resistance or altering lung compliance. For many obstructive diseases, overall ventilation does not go down, but there are
reductions in ventilation regionally that are balanced by increases elsewhereThese can reduce ventilation by increasing airway
resistance or altering lung compliance. For many obstructive diseases, overall ventilation does not go down, but there are
reductions in ventilation regionally that are balanced by increases elsewhere
How does gravity affect ventilation
Causes regional differences in ventilation. Intrapulmonary pressure is smaller at the base than the apex of the lung due to the weight of the lung which causes a stronger pull from the chest wall at the apex (more negative IP). Bronchioles/alveoli at apex are larger in volume, thus they are less compliant and are less well ventilated
Components of work of breathing
(a) work done against the elastic recoil of the lungs and (b) work done against airway resistance
Two general causes of increased work of breathing
Increase in elastic recoil (decreased compliance) of the respiratory system, increase in airway resistance, or a combination of the two.
Describe the work of breathing and its influence on breathing rate and tidal volume
At small tidal volumes (and faster rate), the work required to overcome elastic recoil is small, but the work required to overcome airway resistance is large. For large tidal volumes (and slower rates), the opposite is true.
Define anatomical dead-space and what conditions result in increased anatomical dead space
Of the 500 ml of air in each breath, about 150 ml (or 30%) remains in the conducting path. This air is termed anatomic dead-space. Increased anatomical dead space can occur if we breath rapidly and at small tidal volumes (when much of the tidal volume fails to reach alveoli) or during snorkeling (which increases the total conducting path for air).
Define alveolar dead-space
These are alveoli that are well-ventilated but do not participate in gas exchange (do not eliminate CO2). Are present in unperfused regions of the lung
Define physiologic dead-space
The sum of the anatomic dead-space and the alveolar dead-space is called the physiologic dead-space. In a healthy person, physiologic and anatomic dead space have the same volumes.
List different lung volumes
Residual volume, Functional residual capacity, total lung capacity, Tidal volume, vital capacity, minute ventilation
What is residual volume
Volume of air remaining in the lungs after a maximal expiration. ~1.5L
Functional residual capacity
The volume of gas present in the lung and upper airways at the end of a normal expiration. ~2.5L
total lung capacity
The volume of air inside the lungs at the end of a maximal inspiration. ~7.5L
tidal volume
difference in lung volume between a normal inspiration and normal expiration. ~500mL
vital capacity
The volume of air exhaled after a maximal inspiration followed by a maximal expiration. VC= TLC- RV
Minute ventilation
The tidal volume (ml) × frequency of breathing (breaths/min) product
Changes in lung volume are measured with what?
What is body plethysmograph
Measures functional residual capacity: the subject sits in an airtight chamber, breathing through a mouthpiece. FRC is
estimated essentially from the change in pressure that occurs when the lung expands.
Dynamic measurement of lung volume
forced expirogram