Venous.4.CVI and CVU Flashcards
Venous return of the L.L depends on
a good veno-muscular pump.
The veno-muscutar pump is composed of
a. Superficial & deep veins with competent valves.
b. Competent perforating veins communicating between them.
c. Powerful limb muscles.
Benefits of A competent veno-muscular pump
push the blood towards the heart & thus lowering ambulatory venous pressure “AVP.
The ambulatory venous pressure
- It’s the ankle venous pressure
during walking - it should be < 25 mmHg.
CVI collectively describes the manifestations of impaired venous drainage due to abnormal function of the venous system
1ry CVI
2ry CVI “Post-phlebitic syndrome” :
Etiology of 1ry CVI
Related to structural weakness of valves
venous wall as in eases of 1ry V.V.
Pathogenesis of 1ry CVI
Venous reflux in cases of 1ry V.V adds extra work on the veno-muscular
pump which should push this blood again to protect the micro-circulation from venous hypertension.
As long as the veno-muscular pump can cope with this extra work )> the patient remains asymptomatic.
Clinical picture of CVI will only start when the pump fails to cope with this extra work
Recanalization of the thrombosed deep veins leaves the valves of the deep system & perforating veins incompetent leading to reflux of blood
Occurs 2-5 years after DVT.
Early & mild cases :
Late & severe cases:
Early & mild cases of CVI
- 2ry V.V.
- L.L edema :
- Postural discomfort & dull aching pain of the limb :
- Night muscular cramps.
L.L edema of Early & mild cases of CVI
Usually at the end of the day or on prolonged standing.
Postural discomfort & dull aching pain of the limb of Early & mild cases of CVI
- Usually at the end of the day or on prolonged standing.
* Relieved by leg elevation.
Late & severe cases of CVI
- Pigmentation, dermatitis, itching & eczema.
- Lipodermatosclerosis.
- Venous ulcer.
- Venous claudication :
Lipodermatosclerosis in Late & severe cases of CVI
Subcutaneous fat is replaced by tough fibrous tissue
Sometimes extensive fibrosis & induration often extends up to the mid calf, producing an inverted champain-bottle shape of the leg.
inverted champain-bottle shape of the leg in Late & severe cases of CVI
due to Lipodermatosclerosis:
a) Subcutaneous fat is replaced by tough fibrous tissue
b) Sometimes extensive fibrosis & induration often extends up to the mid calf,
Venous claudication in Late & severe cases of CVI
Patients rvith severe CVI may develop claudication or bursting pain during walking due to very high venous pressure.
- Identify existence, site and degree of venous reflux
2. confirm patency of deep system
a. Doppler : a bed side test for competency of SFJ.
b. Venous duplex is the gold standard investigation.
a bed side test for competency of SFJ.
alternative names for Venous ulcer
Post-Phelbetic ulcer
Chronic venous ulceration “CVU”
I- The fibrin cuff hypothesis
II- The WBC trapping hypothesis
The fibrin cuff hypothesis in the PATHOGENESIS of venous ulcer
- Incompetent ankle perforators cause reflux of blood from deep to superficial veins
- Maximal venous hypertension occurs at the ulcer-bearing area at the medial malleolus & the lower 1/3 of the leg & is more commonly on the medial side (3 direct ankle perforators) than on the lateral aspect (1 direct lateral ankle perforator).
- Long standing venous stasis & congestion in this area causes increased intracapillary pressure, which results in diapedesis of
RBCs & fibrinogen in the S.C tissues. - The RBCs disintegrate & their contained haemoglobin is converted into haemosiderin, which stains tissues brown & is responsible of the dermatitis & pigmentation.
- The fibrinogen is converted to fibrin & thus fibrosis results preventing O2 release to the cells leading to anoxia & decrease vitality of the skin at the ulcer-bearing area. (gaiter area)
- Ulceration usually occurs at the ulcer-bearing area after minor trauma
- Usually it fails to heal because of congestion & infection and turns chronic.
- Excess fibrosis makes its base and edge hard and such ulcer resists healing (indolent )
- If it heals, recurrence is common until something is done to correct reflux and venous hypertension at ankle.
according to the fibrin cuff hypothesis, Incompetent ankle perforators cause
reflux of blood from deep to superficial veins
according to the fibrin cuff hypothesis, Maximal venous hypertension occurs at
the ulcer-bearing area (gaiter area) at the medial malleolus & the lower 1/3 of the leg
according to the fibrin cuff hypothesis, the reason why Maximal venous hypertension is more commonly on the medial side than on the lateral aspect
medial side has 3 direct ankle perforators
lateral side has one direct ankle perforator
according to the fibrin cuff hypothesis, Long standing venous stasis & congestion in the gaiter area causes
increased intracapillary pressure, which results in diapedesis of RBCs & fibrinogen in the S.C tissues
Pathogenesis of dermititis and pigmentation around the venous ulcer
The RBCs disintegrate & their contained haemoglobin is converted into haemosiderin, which stains tissues brown & is responsible of the dermatitis & pigmentation.
according to the fibrin cuff hypothesis, pathogenesis of decreased vitality of the skin at the ulcer bearing area
The fibrinogen is converted to fibrin & thus fibrosis results preventing O2 release to the cells leading to anoxia & decrease vitality of the skin at the ulcer-bearing area. (gaiter area)
according to the fibrin cuff hypothesis, Ulceration usually occurs at the ulcer-bearing area after
minor trauma
according to the fibrin cuff hypothesis, the reason why venous ulcer fails to heal
because of congestion & infection, so it turns chronic
Excess fibrosis makes its base and edge hard and such ulcer resists healing (indolent )
The WBC trapping hypothesis in the PATHOGENESIS of venous ulcer
- It has shown that venous hypertension causes leucocytes trapping & sequestration in the microcirculation of the leg.
- The trapped leucocytes become activated & release proteolytic enzymes & leukotrienes that are normally used in defence against infection.
- These proteolytic enrymes & leukotrienes cause injury to the capillary endothelium, C.T & skin.
according to The WBC trapping hypothesis, It has shown that venous hypertension causes
leucocytes trapping & sequestration in the microcirculation of the leg.