Arterial.5.chronic ischemia (Investigations and treatment) Flashcards
Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Laboratory
* Radiological
Laboratory Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Blood picture to detect anaemia or polycythaemia.
- Blood sugar.
- Serum cholesterol & triglycerides
Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Doppler
- Arterial duplex
- Arteriography
- Digital subtraction arteriography (DSA)
- Magnetic resonance angiography “MRA”
- Echocardiography & ECG.
Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Advantages
- Normal finding
- Abnormal finding
Advantages of Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- To detect blood flow along an artery in which the pulse may be palpable or impalpable.
- Measurement of A/B index
Measurement of A/B index in Advantages of Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Definition of A/B index
- Normal Finding
- Abnormal Finding
Definition of A/B index in Measurement of A/B index in Advantages of Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
It’s the ratio of Ankle systolic blood pressure over the brachial systolic blood pressure
Normal Finding in Measurement of A/B index in Advantages of Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
normal A/B index is 1.2
Abnormal Finding in Measurement of A/B index in Advantages of Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Severe atherosclerotic rigid vessels which cannot be compressed
- Chronic ischaemia
- Critical ischaemia
Severe atherosclerotic rigid vessels in Abnormal Finding in Measurement of A/B index in Advantages of Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
A/B index > 1.3
Chronic ischaemia in Abnormal Finding in Measurement of A/B index in Advantages of Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
A/B index < 1
Critical ischaemia in Abnormal Finding in Measurement of A/B index in Advantages of Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
A/B index < 0.5
Normal finding in Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
Normal sonogram consists of 3 sounds (triphasic)
Abnormal finding in Doppler in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
In ischaemia the sonogram is monophasic.
Arteriography in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Indication
- Advantages
- The different techniques
Indication of Arteriography in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
This invasive procedure is only performed if ischemia is severe enough to raise the need for revascularization procedures.
Advantages of Arteriography in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
Provides the following information
1- Exact site and length of arterial block
2- state of the artery distal to the block (run off)
3- the collateral circulation
The different techniques of Arteriography in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Direct femoral arteriography.
- Aortography :
- Transfemoral aortography.
- Translumbar aortography.
- Transaxillary aortography.
Magnetic resonance angiography “MRA” in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Advantages
* Disadvantage
Advantages of Magnetic resonance angiography “MRA” in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Non invasive.
* suitable for renal failure
Disadvantage of Magnetic resonance angiography “MRA” in Radiological Investigation of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Less accurate than interventional angiography
* expensive and not therapeutic
Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Conservative treatment
- Endovascular surgery
- Open surgery
- Lumbar sympathectomy
- Amputation
Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Indications
* List
Indications of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
Grades I & IIa ischemia
List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Mild exercises not causing pain “as regular walking for 1/2 to 1 hr/day
- Complete abstinence from smoking.
- Correction of anaemia as this helps tissue oxygenation.
- D.M, HTN and hyperlipidaemia should be corrected.
- Care of the feet
- Medications
the reason why Mild exercises not causing pain in conservative treatment of chronic ischemiaare useful
they help to open the collateral circulation & improve claudication distance
Care of the feet in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- The reason why It’s important
* Procedures
The reason why It’s important in Care of the feet in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
as a patient with chronic ischemia has a compromised circulation and any minor injury to the foot can precipitate gangrene
Procedures of Care of the feet in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Clean the feet daily and keep them dry
- Avoid feet trauma, e.g: during nail trimming.
- The patient should not walk bare-footed.
- Any interdigital fungal infection should be treated
- In winter he should wear woolen socks to avoid cold injury.
- The patient should not apply external heat.
Medications in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
a. Dipyridamole (persantin) & clopidogrel
b. Baby aspirin :
c. Pentoxifylline
* vasodilators have no role in atherosclerotic vessels
Dipyridamole & clopidogrel in Medications in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Trade name of Dipyridamole
* Mechanism of action
Trade name of Dipyridamole in Medications in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
Mechanism of action of Dipyridamole & clopidogrel in Medications in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
Prevents platelets aggregation.
Baby aspirin in Medications in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Dose
* Mechanism of action
Dose of Baby aspirin in Medications in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
150 mg/day
Mechanism of action of Baby aspirin in Medications in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
Prevents platelet adhesiveness.
Pentoxifylline in Medications in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Trade name
* Mechanism of action
Trade name of Pentoxifylline in Medications in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
Mechanism of action of Pentoxifylline in Medications in List of Conservative treatment in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Improves RBCs deformability
* allowing them to negotiate their way through narrowed small vessels.
indications for intervention in chronic ischemia
- Critical ischaemia :
As denoted by rest pain, ischaemic ulcers or minor gangrene. - Severe incapacitating claudication :
That interferes with the patient’s work and style of life
limbsalvage surgery.
Surgery in a case of critical ischemia aiming at saving the limb
what to do with A patient with a limited dry gangrene of a toe
can be investigated to check if reconstructive vascular surgery can be performed.
Endovascular surgery in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Indications
* Modalities
Indications of Endovascular surgery in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Localized segment stricture in large or medium sized artery
- Localized ( < 2 cm)
- Large medium sized ( aorta ~~ superficial femoral)
Modalities of Endovascular surgery in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA)
2. Intravascular stents :
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in Modalities of Endovascular surgery in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Procedures
- Success rate
- Complications
Procedures of Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in Modalities of Endovascular surgery in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- A special balloon catheter is introduced percutaneously along a guide wire until it lodges in the stenotic segment
- The balloon is then inflated and kept for about one minute to dilate the stenosed segment
Success rate of Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in Modalities of Endovascular surgery in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
Success rate is about 95%
Complications of Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in Modalities of Endovascular surgery in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Hematoma
- A-V fistula
- Restenosis
Procedures of Intravascular stents in Modalities of Endovascular surgery in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
After balloon angioplasty a stent can be inserted to prevent the elastic recoil of the arterial wall and keep the lumen patent.
Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- By-pass surgery :
2. Thromboendarterectomy
By-pass surgery in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- The idea
* Modalities
The idea of By-pass surgery in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
The idea is to bypass the obstruction by inserting a graft from the healthy artery above to another healthy artery below the obstruction
Modalities of By-pass surgery in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Anatomical By-pass surgery
* Extra-anatomical By-pass surgery
Anatomical By-pass surgery in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Aorto-bifemoral bypass surgery is done using dacron or Gortex
- Femoro-popliteal bypass using the saphenous vein (best) or Gortex graft
- Femoro-distal bypass using the long saphenous vein in site or Gortex graft
Indication of Aorto-bifemoral bypass surgery is done using dacron or Gortex in Anatomical By-pass surgery in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
For aorto-iliac disease
Indication of Femoro-popliteal bypass using the saphenous vein (best) or Gortex graft in Anatomical By-pass surgery in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
For superficial femoral artery block
Indication of Femoro-distal bypass using the long saphenous vein in site or Gortex graft in Anatomical By-pass surgery in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
For occlusive disease below popliteal artery
Anatomical by-pass surgery for treatment of aorto-iliac disease
Aorto-bifemoral bypass surgery is done using dacron or Gortex
Anatomical by-pass surgery for treatment of superficial femoral artery block
femoro-popliteal bypass using the saphenous vein (best) or Gortex
Anatomical by-pass surgery for treatment of occlusive disease below popliteal artery:
Femoro-distal bypass using the long saphenous vein in site or Gortex graft
Advantages of dacron graft
Easy to be handled at time of operation.
Disadvantages of dacron graft
It is a knitted (wide bores) graft & thus needs to be pre-clotted to avoid massive hemorrhage when blood flow is established.
Liable for degeneration & aneurysmal dilatation.
Recently dacron grafts are woven OR coated with albumin or collagen eliminating the need for pre-clotting but increasing the cost of the graft.
Alternative name for Gortex graft
polytetraflourethylene “PTFE”
Advantages of Gortex graft
It is a woven (narrow bores) graft & thus does not need pre-clotting.
Not liable for aneurysmal dilatation
The saphenous vein has valves that allow blood is flow from belowupwards only.
To overcome this problem one of two techniques are used :
- Reversed saphenous venous graft
* In situ saphenous venous graft with valvotomy
Mechanism of Reversed saphenous venous graft
A segment of the long saphenous vein is harvested and reversed so that the valves do not interfere with blood flow.
Mechanism of in situ saphenous venous graft with valvotomy
The upper and the lower ends of a suitable segment of the long saphenous are used for anastomosis while the vein is left in situ.
The valves are destroyed by a valvulotome, and the vein tributaries are ligated.
Extra-anatomical by-pass in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Indications
* Modalities
Indications of Extra-anatomical by-pass in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Patients unfit for major surgery but with a good run-off.
- Patients in whom a prosthesis has become infected or thrombosed.
Modalities of Extra-anatomical by-pass in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- femoro-femoral crossover graft (or axillo-femoral)
2. axillo bifemoral graft
femoro-femoral crossover graft in Modalities of Extra-anatomical by-pass in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Indication
* Procedures
Indication of femoro-femoral crossover graft in Modalities of Extra-anatomical by-pass in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
To relieve an iliac artery occlusion when the other iliac is patent with a strong femoral pulse.
Procedures of femoro-femoral crossover graft in Modalities of Extra-anatomical by-pass in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
An 8 mm Dacron graft is tunneled subcutaneously above the pubis & anastomosed to the common femoral arteries on each side
Indication of axillo bifemoral graft
for leriche syndrome
Thromboendarterectomy in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Procedures
* Indication
Procedures of Thromboendarterectomy in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
This means removal of the thrombus, intima and the inner media leaving a patent lumen that becomes rapidly endothelialized.
Indication of Thromboendarterectomy in Open surgical techniques in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- This procedure is applicable for large arteries with localized obstruction, e.g. a localized narrowing in an iliac artery.
- Usually not done nowadays due to feasibility of PTA.
patients diagnosed with chronic ischemia with no good distal run off
Little can be done for these patients
Lumbar sympathectomy :
Amputation :
Lumbar sympathectomy in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Indications
- Disadvantages
- Contraindications
- Ganglia removed
Indications of Lumbar sympathectomy in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
Persistent ulcer
patient with rest pain and ischemic ulcer
Disadvantages of Lumbar sympathectomy in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
Does not improve blood supply of the muscles “worsens muscle ischemia
Contraindications of Lumbar sympathectomy in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- Intermittent claudication
2. Diabetic patient
The reason why Intermittent claudication is considered from Contraindications of Lumbar sympathectomy in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
as Surgery Cause V.D of skin more than that of muscle
The reason why Diabetic patient is considered from Contraindications of Lumbar sympathectomy in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
as he is already suffering from peripheral neuropathy.
Ganglia removed in Lumbar sympathectomy in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
L1 is preserved to avoid retrograde ejaculation.
Amputation in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
- The proper policy
- Indications
- Mechanism of Recognition of the proper level
- A common mistake performed by a beginner on treating A patient with a limited dry gangrene of a toe
The proper policy of Amputation in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
The proper policy is to wait until spontaneous separation occurs or an amputation at the proper level is performed
Minimal dry gangrene is not an emergency.
Indications of Amputation in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
a. Spreading or massive gangrene.
b. Spreading infection.
c. Severe uncontrollable pain, the patient himself asks for amputation
Mechanism of Recognition of the proper level of Amputation in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
Palpable popliteal pulse )> Below knee amputation “BKA”
Absent popliteal pulse)> Above knee amputation “AKA”.
A common mistake performed by a beginner on treating A patient with a limited dry gangrene of a toe in Amputation in Lines of treatment of chronic L.L ischaemia
amputation of the toe.
The reason why amputation of a toe with limited dry gangrene is a common mistake
as spread of gangrene may follow the operation.