Venous Flashcards
effect of proximal compression
stops flow
reflux criteria: superficial vein
0.35 sec
reflux criteria: deep vein
1 sec
reflux criteria: GSV SSV
0.5 sec
reflux vein diameter
> 5.5 mm
reflux in perforator
flow from deep to superficial
vein of Giacomini
thigh extension of small saphenous vein
Boyd’s perforator
paratibial perforator
Cockett’s perforator
posterior tibial perforator
Dodd’s perforator
perforators of the femoral canal
additional varicosities
anterior/posterior accessory GS,
superficial external pudendal,
superficial circumflex,
superficial inferior epigastric
number of valves
greater in distal calf veins
UE doppler appearance
pulsatile medial to the clavicle pulsatile
or phasic lateral to the clavicle
methods of stop venous flow
Valsalva or proximal compression
Phasicity with respiration
decreases flow
expiration and phasicity
increases flow
Klippel Trenaunay Weber
chronic DVT,
varicose veins,
port wine stains
May Thurner syndrome
compression of left common iliac vein by right common iliac artery
treatment with stent

phlegmasia cerula dolens
blue painful leg iliofemoral DVT
acute thrombus
low level echoes
poorly attached
smooth edges
flow around
chronic thrombus
bright echoes
well adherent
rough edges
flow through
color flow does not establish patency
aids in defining thrombus
absence of color does not mean thrombosis
presence of color does not exclude thrombosis
must include terminal GSV and SSV
venous exams
drains to the popliteal or gastrocnemius vein
can drain to SSV above popliteal
GSV located between which 2 fascia
between deep muscular fascia and saphenous fascia
drainage of gastrocnemius veins
into popliteal vein
drainage of soleal veins
into posterior tibial and peroneal veins
deep or superficial: gastrocnemius veins
criteria for vein aneurysm
1.5 x
normal flow in perforator
superficial to deep
tip for poorly seen calf veins
try curved probe
GSV >5.5 mm
SSV > 3.5 mm
for reimbursement
Paget-Schroetter syndrome
effort thrombosis
subclavian vein compressed between first rib and scalene muscle
results in venous thrombus and flow obstruction