Veins, Arteries, Nerves: Test 2 Flashcards
Course of suprascapular artery
Inferolaterally: anterior scalene, phrenic n, subclavian a, brachial plexus (lateral and parallel to clavicle)
Laterally: supraspinous fossa to scapular spine to infraspinous fossa
Suprascapular Artery Origin
Origin of posterior circumflex humeral artery
Third part of axillary artery
Course of posterior circumflex humeral artery
Encircles surgical neck of humerus
Anastomoses with anterior branch
Traverses quadrangular space
Origin of suprascapular nerve
Superior trunk
C5,C6, often C4
Course of suprascapular nerve
Passes across posterior cervical triangle above brachial plexus
Through scapular notch deep to transverse scapular ligament
Innervation of suprascapular nerve
Glenohumeral joint
Origin of axillary nerve
Terminal branch of posterior cord
Receives fibers from C5, C6
Course of axillary nerve
Posteriorly exits axillary fossa and passes through quadrangular space with posterior circumflex humeral artery
Gives rise to superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve
Winds around surgical neck of humerus deep to deltoid
Innervation of axillary nerve
Glenohumeral joint
Teres minor
Skin over inferior deltoid
Course of cephalic vein
Lateral dorsal network down lateral arm/forearm to lateral wrist
Passes over deltoid, pec major, clavipectoral triangle, costocoracid membrane, terminal part of axillary vein
Course of basilic vein
Medial end of dorsal veinous network along medial side of forearm
Parallel with brachial artery
Branches of the axillary artery
Superior thoracic Thoraco-acromial Lateral thoracic Circumflex humeral (anterior and posterior) Subscapular
Course of superior thoracic artery
Pec minor, pec major, thoracic wall, first/second intercostal space, serratus anterior
Course of thoraco-acromial artery
Curls around superior medial border of pec minor, pierces costocoracid membrane
Divides into 4 branches: pectoral, deltoid, acromial, clavicular
Course of lateral thoracic artery
Axillary border of pec minor, thoracic wall, lateral breast
Course of subscapular artery
Inferior border of subscapularis, lateral scapula, divides into circumflex scapular and thoracodorsal arteries
Branches of the brachial artery
Profunda brachii artery
Superior ulna collateral
Inferior ulna collateral
Course of profunda brachii artery
Accompanies radial nerve along radial groove of humerus
Supplies posterior arm
Anastomoses around elbow
Course of superior ulna collateral
Accompanies ulnar nerve to posterior elbow
Anastomoses with posterior ulnar recurrent artery
Course of inferior ulnar collateral
Passes anterior to medial epicondyle of humerus to anastomoses with anterior ulnar recurrent artery
Branches of subclavian artery
Internal thoracic
Thyrocervical trunk
Course of internal thoracic artery
Sternal end of clavicle, 1st costal cartilage, thorax
Gives rise to perforating branches (anterior intercostal, musculophrenic, superior epigastric)
Course of thyrocervical trunk artery
Ascends as short trunk giving rise to inferior thyroid artery and cervicodorsal trunk
Suprascapular and dorsal scapular arteries arise from cervicodorsal trunk
Origin/termination of brachial artery
Continuation of axillary artery
Begins at inferior teres major
Ends at cubital fossa
What two arteries does the brachial artery give rise to?
Radial and ulnar arteries
What nerve does the brachial artery accompany?
Median nerve
Where is the brachial artery palpable?
Median bicipital groove
Where does the ulnar artery begin and end?
Begins as branch of brachial artery in cubital fossa
Ends in hand
Where is the ulnar artery palpable?
Lateral side of flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) tendon
Course of ulnar artery
Anterior/medial forearm:
Under pronator teres, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum
Passes flexor retinaculum at wrist in ulnar (Guyon) canal
Enters hand
Where does the radial artery begin and end?
Begins as branch of brachial artery in cubital fossa
Ends by passing through floor of anatomical snuff box to enter hand
Where is radial artery palpable?
Distal radius between tendons of FCR and APL
Course of radial artery
Under brachioradialis, winds around radius, crosses floor of snuff box, pierces 1st dorsal interosseous muscle in hand
Origin of median nerve
Union of lateral root of media nerve with medial root of medial cord
Course of median nerve
Runs medial to brachial artery and enters cubital fossa
Descends to pass pronator teres, flexor dig. superficialis/profundus
Traverses carpal tunnel
What does the median nerve innervate?
Thumb, index, and middle fingers
Anterior lateral half of palm
Origin of ulnar nerve
Larger terminal branch of medial cord of brachial plexus
C8 and T1
Course of ulnar nerve
Passes between heads of FCU to enter forearm
Passes posterior to medial epicondyle
Descends between FCU and FDP
What does the ulnar nerve innervate?
Pinky and third finger
Medial half of hand (anterior and posterior)
Origin of radial nerve
Larger terminal branch of posterior cord of brachial plexus
Course of radial nerve
Enters cubital fossa between brachioradialis and brachialis
Passes anterior lateral epicondyle
Divides into terminal superficial and deep branches
What does the radial nerve innervate?
Snuff box
Posterior lateral half of hand