Veins Flashcards
venous drainage
-Veins are generally larger & more numerous than arteries
-Veins have one-way valves to prevent back flow of blood (arteries do not need valves because the pressure of the blood flow in them naturally prevents back flow)
-Most veins of the head & neck have valves, but not all
veins are returning blood to the heart (all the veins)
Facial vein
Superficial Temporal
Pterygoid Plexus
Posterior Superior Alveolar
Inferior Alveolar
Internal Jugular
External Jugular
facial vein- orbital region
-Begins at medial corner of eye with:
-Supratrochlear & supraorbital veins
-Anastomoses with ophthalmic vein
facial vein- oral region
-Superior labial
-Inferior labial
-Anastomoses with deep veins: pterygoid plexus & retromandibular
facial vein drains into
internal jugular
facial vein communicates with the
Cavernous venous sinus
Facial Vein -Cavernous Venous Sinus
-Located on each side of the body of the sphenoid bone
-Communicate with each other & the pterygoid plexus & superior ophthalmic veins
-May be involved in the spread of infection
Can lead to fatal results
Retromandibular Vein
-Formed by merger of superficial temporal & maxillary veins
-Emerges from parotid gland area and courses inferiorly
-Divides below parotid gland into two parts
Retromandibular Vein- anterior
joins facial vein
Retromandibular Vein- posterior
-continues downward along SCM muscle
-Joins posterior auricular (drains scalp behind ear)
-Forms the external jugular
Pterygoid Plexus
Drains veins from deep portion of face, then drains into maxillary vein (A very short structure that begins in infratemporal fossa)
Pterygoid Plexus drains
-Middle meningeal (from brain)
-Posterior Superior Alveolar (PSA)
-Inferior Alveolar (IA)
-Dental Tissues
what is the pterygoid plexus
Pterygoid Plexus is a collection of small anastomosing vessels located bilaterally around the pterygoid muscles, surrounding the maxillary artery in the infratemporal fossa
pterygoid plexus can spread infection to
cavernous venous sinus
teeth drainage- posterior superior alveolar vein
drains maxillary teeth and surrounding periodontium
*and drains onto pterygoid plexus