Vector born Protozoa Flashcards
what are the 2 different types of African Trypanopsomiasis seen
Trypanosoma brucie gambiense (central and west africa)
Trpanosoma Bruci rhodesisen ( east africa/)

how are trypanoma Bruic species spread? where od they have a life cycle
within the Tsete fly and mamamals (humans , resvoir in cattle)- mutliple fluid- blood lymph CSF
what are the stages of Trypanosoam Brucei infection
Haemo- lymhpatic phase- first stage of infection ( a chancre at bite site, intermittend fever,m adenopathy and head ache
second stage- neurlogical phase- Meningoencephaltiis- cross BB - behavioural changes, aditiaion, delusion sleep disorder
FATAL without treatmetn

which subtype of african trypansomiasis is most common
trypanosma brucie gambienese -90% of cases (west african sleeping sickness ) lasts for 6 moths
typansoms abrucie rhodesiene - progresses more rapdily- myocarditiis- leads to death in. onths
Describe the treament for African trypanosomiasis (both subtypes)
Deepneds on species and clinical stage
toxicity of medication used to treat is an issue
- rhodessiene,
- heamolymphatic stage- suramin
- CNS invovlement- Melarsoprol
- Gambienese
- haemolymphatic stage- pentamidiine
- CNs involvement- Eflornithine
what is the vector in african trypanosomiais?
Tseste fly
What is AMerican trypanosomiais (chagas disease)- cause and how is it transmitted/ endemic to
- Protozoan parasite- Trypanosoma Cruzi
- Transmitted by bite from kissing bug
- endemic to latin america- kssiing bugs live in walls of poorly made houses
trypanososma cruiz has a life cycle in the kisising bug and person (causes Chagas disease)
describe the acute phase of chagas disease
Fever and lymphadeonpathy
can go on to casue chonic illness
Romana signs
- uniltateral painless oedem of the palperbal and pericoular tissue- conjuctive if poitnt of entry

Describe the Chronic illness of chagas disease
- maybe for life
- cardiomyopathy/myocarditit
- rhythm disturbances
- myocarditits - leading cause of death from chaags diseaaw
- also get desturciton of paraysmpathethci nerve sin oeosphags and colon- impairng peristalsi leading to
- aspiration pneumonai
- severe cosntipation
- abdominal distension
hwo does the lifecycle of trypanosoma cruzi differ from that of trypansomiaiss brucei
Trypanosomiass invades the cells- intracellular parasite in infexted tissues
what is the treatment for american trypanosomiasis?
aside form tsete fly and the kisisng bug hown else can Trypanosomiais be spread?
mother to baby
cotnaimined blood products (transfusions)
organs transplant from infected donor
Describe in general Leishmanisis
Protzoal group leishmania
transmitted by the female sandfly and in humans is an intracellular parasite
disease caused depends on the specieis.
but following sandly bite get a pianless ulver with rolled edge develops- gradually expands

what is mucocutaneosu leishmaniasis
causitve agetn

- causative agent- Lesimania brasiliensis
- endemic to south and central america
- cutaneous presentation (alos in oropharygneal mucosa)
- presentartion
- progresisve ulceration can totlally desotry mcucosu membrane of Mouth, nose and throat
- develops week -months after the insect bite (sandlfly)
- variety of presnetaiton lump or sore- looj like volcanoes
- Treatment- sodium stibogluconate
what is viscerla leishmaniaiss (black fever) pathogenesis
highest mortlti rate
psot bite parasite dveelop in phagocytic celsl (neutrophils,m macrophases) in endosome
disseminate through lymphagic ctissue- intracellular
inhbit innate immune response- primary replication in neutorphil and hide in macorphages
Leishmania chemotactic factor LCF- attract more neutrophi;s
describe the symptoms of visceral leishmaniaiss
some asymptomatic
- insidours onset of fever
- weakness
- massive heptosplenomegaly
- associated pancytopenia ( deficinecy of RBC, WBC< and platelets)
- cachexia (extreme weight and msucle loss)
- blackeneing areas of the skin
multi organ invovlement, fatal if not treated

where is Leishmaniais seen? geographically?
india, bangledehs, neapl sufdden braxzil
can be seen in europe but usallay as a HIv.AIDs oppourtunisitc infection