Faecal-oral Protozoa Flashcards
descibr eht clinical manifestations of cryptosporidium
trvaellers diarrhoea and childhood diarrhoea in developing counteries
water borne outbreaks in developing countries- contaminted food, pools
protracted, sevre diarrhoea in immunocmpromised patients (HIV/AIDS
where is Giardiasis mainly seen
and pathogneisis
areas of poor sanitation- commonyl tropical areas- deveeloping world
Most commonly idenditifed watr borne disease
cysts ingested form cotnaminated water
survive otuside the body- resistance to standard chemical treatments
broad mamamalian host
infected pattient has watery diarrhoea fro a long time
Descirbe the lifecycel of Giardia
ingest cysts
cyst hatches (trophozxoites), repdorudc e asexuallting under encystartion
cysts eject in faeces
(environmentally resistive ( chlorination ineffective
describe giardiasis in children
sevre physical and mentah delay in growht, due to malnutrtion
most common cuase of parasitic disease in UK and US
Describe the symptoms seen in Gardiasis
- Prolonged watery diarrhoea
- greasy floating stools ( fialure to asborb fat soluble vitamins, fat, lactose, B12)
- abdominal cramps
- nausa commiting
- dehydration
- significant weight loss
how would symtpoms dffer in cyrptosporidium spp in immunocompetent vs compromised?
immune competent- self limited diarrhoeal illness
immunocompromised- sevre prologned diarrhoea- life threating malabsorption . signfgicant loss of fluid each day 10-15 L day
chronic intestinal cryptopsoridisosi lasting >1. motnh AIDs defining iulnnes
What is the organims behind giardiaisis
Garidia lambilia
intestinal parasite relativley commomn in immigrants,
protozoa single celle flagellated organism
main soruce inw ater (maybe in soil)
what is the treatment for Gardiasis?
Oral metronidazole
Or tinidazole
do not prescribe in children following gastroenteritis
Describe the lifecycle of Cryptosporodium
oocysts from infect host in faeces contaminted dirnkin water/ ingested
infect cells intestinal epithelila cells
destruction of microvilli
excrtee oocysts is infective- autoinfecgtion of hsot-n allows immediate infection to next host

Risk factors for cryptosporidium spp
similar to giardia, contaminated water source, uncooked foot, trvel to undeveeloped counteries
animal handling
exposure to faces
elderly very young
what is the treatment for cryptosporidium
immunocompetent rarley need intervention- rehdyrdraton/ salt replacement supporitve treatment
those at risk of severe disease- Nitazoxanide - broad specturm antiparasitic/ viral
Describe the pathology of Amoebiaiss (emtamoeba histolytica)
cause of amoebiaiss
single celled freeliving parasite
quite infection
commonest cause of traveller diarrhoea (bloody painful diarrhoa, abdominal pain, perforation of intestine maybe liver invovlement in sevre disease
occurs worldwide in areas of poor santiation
Describe the lifecycle of Amoebiasis
cyst ingested
releasing amoebic trophoxioites
bind to intetinal wall (large)
in most causes the trophoziotes fred on nutrients then secret as cyst , to allow the to be passed on in stool and find a new host
hind cysts in stool (trophoxiotes rapdil destoryed otuside th ebodyd
can disseminate to extraitnestinal disease

what are the three types of Amoebiais
- luminal amoebiaiss (asymptomativ non invasisve)
amoebic colitis (invasisdve amoebic dysentery)
- more common
- invasion fo trophoziotes into intestinal mucosa
- blood diarrhoa, containing mucus
- pain
- histolytcia mean lysis of tissues
- parasite lysses inttesinal mucaos causing it to be bloody diarrhoea
- invasive extraintestinal amoebiasis
Decribe invasive extraintestinal amoebiasis
cna spread to brains and lungs
most commonly hepatic amoebaisis
- travels to the liver and forms liver abscess
- can occur 8 weeks 1 year post infection
- symtpoms of liver abcess
- right upper wuadrant discomfort
- tender hetpaotmegaly
- intermitien fever
- night sweat rigors
- aneamsi
- may have no history of blood diarrhoea

Describe the spread of Amoebiasis and diagnossis
cysts can survive for weeks outside host body
incubation for illness follwoing ingest can be from days to years
increasing globalisiaiton/trvale/migration means clincuiasn need to be away
diagnosois- wt sample look for cysts- enzyme immunoassya for E.historlytica

whats is the treatment for Amoebiasis
metronidaxole- invasive amoebiasis
luninal amoebicide- destroy gastrointestinal cysts
what is toxoplasmosis cuasive orhansima dn descirbe hwo it is spread
- toxoplasma gondii
- one of the most common apraiste in the world 30-50% of worlds population thought to have been infected most individuals have no symptoms
- intraceellul sporozoan parasite
- only deficint host is domestic cat
- oocyst shed in cat faces
- pasted to intemeidat host - birds rodent animals bread for meet. and humans become infected by. tissue enters the tissue of infected organism- jsucel, mycoardoi,. brao amd eyes and faeces
- consuming food contamine by cat faecees/litter
- eating contaminet meat / dirnking unpasteurised milk
- congentiually
- rarely blood trnasufion or organs
what are the symptoms of toxoplasmosis
immune copetent have asymtomapti or hild illness- low grade fever, generalised lymphasenophatb mailiuse
can reamin dormant- carrirs
in the immunocompromised- focal nerological symtoms, on eo more brain enhacing lesions, ocular toxoplasmosis causing retinochoroidotiis - scraring ot he retinna

what can congential toxoplamsosis cause in prgenant women fetus and what should they avoid
intracranail calcifiaction
neurological developemntal deays
hearing and vision loss
still birht
prgenant women advised to avoid consuming- raw undercooked meat, raw eggs,. avoid exposure to cat little
what eprsonality trait is linked to toxoplamsosis
/crayx cat lady sybdrome’
can lead to onset in schipohrenia in childrne
increas in risk taking behaviru in individuals