Adherence, Compliance and conductance Flashcards
what is compliance?
comply with prescription (imbalance of pwoer betwen the prescriber and the patient)
what is concordance?
agreement between the precribe and patient
(do you afree to do as i say)- agreement
swhat is adherence?
refers to ‘to stikc to’
tries to remove the moral contact- unlike complaince
how do we calculate medical adherence
medical adherence is to the extend that a patient takes medication as precribed by there HCP
non adherence is not a patient issue- it is a limitiation of the dleivery of health care
often due to
patient did not fully agree to precription in first place and it was not idenfitied

what is the five dimension model of adherence
social and economci factors (stigma of medicatiomn/expensicve)
therpay related factros (SE, cost, animal prodiucts)
patient related factors ( physical, struggle to swallo, struglle to open) (psychological (cognitive impairme,. anxiety)
condition rleated factorsn (no symptoms, depressed)
health system fac tors (lakc of education, no follow ups)
what is the the difference between unitentiual non adherence and intentioal non-adherence?
intentional non adherence- motivation and beliefs, perceptual barrier, patient doesnt want to take it but should
unintentional- phsycial barrier, wants to take but cannt
what 3 ways can HCP support adherence?
- explain the underpinning necessity to use the medication
- enusre adequate access to mediucation
- consider cognitive/physical impairment