Vdem Flashcards
When a substance passes directly from a solid state to a vapor state without passing through a liquid state it is going through the process of ____
_____ is the pressure exerted on the inside of a closed container by the vapor in the space above the liquid in the container
Vapor pressure
____ is the minimum temperature required to liquefy a gas, no matter how much pressure is applied
Critical temperature
1 atmosphere is equal to what is psia
14.7 psia
The vapor air density of air is
The term miscible refers to the tendency or ability of two or more liquids to form a uniform blend, or to dissolve in each other
____ describes the ease with which a liquid can pass into the vapor state
Negligible solubility is described as what
Less than 0.1%
An electron has what type of charge
When the number of protons stays the same but the number of neutrons changes, the new atom is said to be a/an ____ of the original atom or element
The existence of a substance in two or more forms with different physical and chemical properties
This type of molecular bond is made by the sharing of electrons between the parts
_____ burn very, very rapidly; the speed of reaction is much faster than ordinary combustion but travels much slower than detonation
If a material pyrophoric, it is
Air reactive
Which of these is not a FCFRD core value
HMT are individuals who respond to releases or potential release for the purpose of stopping the release OSHA ____. 120
HMT shall be the person who responds to hazardous material/WMD incidents using risk based response process. NFPA —— chapter 7
Hazmat training is broken into 3 Broad areas offensive, defensive, and
Incident management branch management safety
APIE stands for
Analyze, plan, implement, evaluate
Predict the likely behavior of the materials when released—- APIE
Select the PPE required for the given action APIE
Perform duties of an assigned position within the local incident management system APIE
RCRA of 1976 defines
Solid and hazardous waste
RCRA of 1976 regulates what of hazardous materials
Generation, storage, transportation, treatment and disposal
RCRA is also know as____
Cradle to grave law
This law exempts actions taken during
Immediate response
Established the superfund hazardous substances clean up program
When in danger of imminent danger condition, who shall have the authority to alter, suspend, or terminate those activities?
Safety officer
Who is responsible to develop an IAP incident action plan
The IC
Who establishes the HMTSP?
The hazardous material branch director/ group supervisor
What identifies critical operational areas?
Site map
Monitoring of hazards should include
Toxicity, flammability, oxygen concentrations, corrosiveness, and radioactivity
Who takes appropriate action to prevent the spread of contamination?
Site control supervisor
What are the 3 physical states of matter
Solid, liquid, gas
Any substance that boils at atmospheric pressure at any temp less than 80F is a what?
DOT defines gases as materials with a boiling point below ___
Compressed gas when in a material in a container has an absolute pressure of
40psi @ 70F
Gases that become a liquid in a container at normal temperature from 25 to 2,500PSI
Liquefied compressed gas
Liquefied gas with boiling point below -130 F
Has a fixed volume but no fixed shape ?
Not mobile materials
Homogeneous material having a constant, fixed chemical composition with no impurities.
Pure substances
Simplest form of any substance cannot be decomposed into smaller units
Materials that are made from two or more substances in varying proportions that are not chemically combined.
Uniformly dispersed mixture of one or more substances in one or more substances
A pourable mixture of a solid into a liquid
What is the boiling point of acetone?
Boiling points for jet fuel range from ___ to ___
400 to 550
How is vapor pressure measure and what are the numbers
mmHg 760, PSI 14.7psia, 1 atm atmosphere (at sea level)
Natural gas per vdem has an expansion ratio of
Toluene has a vapor density of
3.14 atm
Vapor pressure of chlorine is
Vapor pressure of Acetone(propanone) is
Propane vapor density is per vdem
Hydrogen vapor density is
Solubility is expressed low to high % as this
Negligible, slight, moderate, appreciable
Chemistry has two basic subdivisions
Organic and inorganic
Organic contains
Inorganic is
Nitrogen or non carbons
Atomic structure- atoms are composed of ___ basic units
Particles that are found in the center or nucleus of the atom having a positive charge
Particles found in the nucleus, have no charge
Particles found in the space surrounding the nucleus, they have a negative charge. These spaces are called the electron shells
All matter is made of
There are ____ named elements of those —- are found in nature
118, 92
Some isotopes are very unstable this break down is called___ and the particles and energy released are called ___
Radioactivity, radiation
Loss of an electron = positive charged atom called
Gain of an electron = negative charged atom called
Carbon existing as a diamond, graphite and carbon black example of
Number of protons in nucleus
Atomic number
Adding together the number of protons and neutrons
Atomic mass
Group one is will explode with contact of water pyrophoric
The alkali family
Group two have two electrons and will decompose in water
The alkali earth family
The number of groups indicated the___ in the outer shell of the atom
Number of electrons
Atoms reacts to complete their putter shell ie 2 electrons in the first shell and 8 in the outer shell is called the ____ law
Octet law
There are ____ families a tech must know
Group 1, group 2, group 17, group 18
Group 17 is the ____ family (oxidizers 7electrons
Halogen/ fluorine bromine
Group ___ is the noble gas family
A chemical reaction that combines metal elements with non metal elements producing a compound called salt
Ionic bonding
A chemical reaction that combines two non metals together the product is a non salt
Covalent bond
Hazard class one
Action levels for ionizing radiation
> 2mR/hour
Action level fit flammability
> 25% of the LEL
Exposure limits for CO
50TWA 1200 IDLH
Hydrogen sulfide exposure limit
20 ceiling, 100 ppm
Geiger muller tube can detect
Alpha, beta, gamma
Geiger muller uses ___ that are measured on the meter
Electric pulses
Model 44-38 uses a ___ to detect beta and gamma
Side window
Model 44-2 uses scintillation yo detect
Low level gamma
44-9 pancake style uses Geiger muller to detect
Alpha, beta, and gamma
Scintillation detector uses a ____
Crystal sodium iodide drenched in tholum
If ticket turns ___ no pesticide is present
What does TRACEM stand for
Thermal, radiation, asphyxiation, chemical, etiological, and mechanical
What is the process for determining the protection factor?
Quantities testing
Supplied air line has a length limit of
Liquid splash what respiratory protection recommended?
Should be worn when hazardous material requires the highest level of protection for eyes, skin, respiratory no thermal threat.
Level A
Should be worn with atmospheric concentration of substances require high level of respiratory protection but low level skin protect. (Splash protection)
Level B
Level D protection is not appropriate for personnel operating in the
Warm zone