Vaskulär Flashcards
Phases Score Greving JP Lancet 2014
Population: 0 American/European, 3 Japanisch, 5 Finnisch
Age: 70
Size: 0 < 7 mm, 3 0.7-1 cm, 6 1-2, 10 2 cm
Early SAH
Site: 0 ICA, 2 MCA, 4 ACA + posterior
< 2 = 0,4%
6 = 1,7%
ISAT (international subarachnoida aneurysm trial) Molyneux et al
10 to 18 years follow-up
after 1 year dead + dependenet 24% coil, 31% clip
die Kurven gleichen sich nach 15 Jahren aus
Hunt and Hess Classification
classification of a surgical risk
I: keine Symptome
II: meningeale Reizzeichen, keine Neurologie außer Hirnnervenparesen
III: GCS < 15, mildes neurologisches Defizit
IV: GCS < 15, schweres neurologisches Defizit
V: GCS 3, Dezerebration, Morbibund
Platz 1: Infarkt durch Vasospasmus
Platz 2: Re-Bleeding (6% < 24h, dann insg. 2%)
ISUIA (international study of unruptured intracranial aneurysm), Molyneux 2010
- Size
- Site
Fisher Scale: Risk für Vasospasmus
grade 0: no SAH, no IVH –> 0%
grade 1: thin SAH, no IVH –> 24%
grade 2: thin SAH, IVH –> 33%
grade 3: thick SAH, no IVH –> 33%
grade 4: thick SAH, IVH –> 40%
BRAT (Barrow Ruptured Aneurysm Trial) Spetzler_2015
- poor outcome clip > coil at 1 year, after 6 years no significant relevance
Critizism: - no randomisation
- only 62% assigned to coiling had coiling
- lost to follow-up 11%
- mRS don´t assess cognitive function (AcomA clip perforators)
ARUBA (A Randomised trial of Unruptured Brain Arteriovenous malformations) _ Mohr 2014 + 2020
- primary endpoint: death or symptomatic stroke
- conservative > intervention
- follow-up 4.5 years
- small percentage of intervention/surgery
- keine Auswertung verschiedener Therapiemodalitäten
- Zentren mit geringer Expertise
Spetzler & Martin and Supplementary Scoring for Surgical Risk (Lawton 2010)
Spetzler Martin
Eloquence: 1 eloquente
Size: 1 < 3 cm, 2 3-6 cm, 3 > 6 cm
Drainage: 0 oberflächliche Venen, 1 tiefe Venen
Predictors of good surgical outcome:
- hemorrhagic presentation
- young age
- compactness
- absesnse of deep perforator supply
Cognard & Borden Classification
- prognostic classification for a risk of bleeding
Borden: 4 year follow-up
Typ 1: dural venous sinus, meningeal vein, ICB 2%
Typ 2: dural venous sinus with cortical venous reflux, ICB 40%
Typ 3: cortical venous reflux only, ICB 80%
Risk of re-bleeding 35% in 2 Jahren
Standard: endovaskuläre Therapie durch Embolisation der venösen Drainage außer für ethmoidale und petrosal/tentorial dAVFs.
- 60% transverse/sigmoid
- 12% CCF
- 8% SSS
STICH I + II (surgical trial in intracerebral haemorrhage) Mendelow
hematoma ex 24 h
surgery = conservative (Glasgow outcome scale, 6 month)
STITCH I: supratentorial
STITCH II: superficial lobar
MISTIE (minimally invasive surgery plus alteplase in intracerebral hemorrhage evacuation) Hanley_2019
Phase 2 trial = safety
is safe
CARAT Study (cerebral aneurysm rupture after treatment) Johnstone_2013
Risk of consequent bleeding 2% after occlusion
degree of aneurysma occlusion after initial treatment is a strong predictor of the risk of subsequent bleeding
British aneurysm nimodipine trial 1989
Reduction of vasospasm from 30% to 20%
reduction of poor outcome from 40% to 34%
DESTINY 2007 Jüttler
Headdfirst 2014 (Hemicraniectomy and Durotomy upon Deterioration from infarction-related swellling trial)
Destiny: 30-Tage Mortalität 10% Hemikraniektomie vs 50% konservativ
Einschlusskriterien: NIHSS > 18, Middline and pineal shift, deterioration
21-Tage Mortalität 21% Hemikraniektomie vs 40% konservativ (nicht signifikant)
RESCUE trial Hutchinson 2016
Op senkt Todesraten, erhöht die Anzahl von vegetativen Zuständen