Vasectomy and castration Flashcards
Are calves, lambs and pigs usually castrated?
Calves - Depends on growing/finishing system
* Pure dairy bulls often left entire
* Crossbred/pure beef bulls usually castrated
Non-surgical much more common
Lambs - Very commonly castrated (even though usually finished before puberty)
Pigs - Very rarely castrated (slaughter before puberty)
what are the methods of non-surgical castration in farm?
bloodless castration (cause atrophy)
* rubber rings (within first 7 days) (with anaesthetic and by vet if under 2 months in calf and 3 months in lamb)
* Burdizzo - crush spermatic cord (testicular artery) (leave space in middle for blood supply to scrotum)
what are the surgical neutering techniques used in farm?
- Orchiectomy (orchidectomy or castration)
- Vasectomy
- Crushing of spermatic cord
- Inducing ischaemic necrosis of scrotum
- (Injection of irritants into testis) – typically hypertonic saline
what is the method used for surgical castratino of the calf/bull?
Open Technique by
* Lateral incisions into each side of scrotum or removal of distal scrotum
* Scalpel/Newberry knife
Haemostasis either:
* Twisting and pulling
* Emascuators
* (rarely ligation)
For castration of calf you need to first Scrub and disinfect the injection site (particularly for bloodless castration), Local anaesthetic blocks are used, where are these placed for surgical and bloodless castration?
what else must you provide with both methods?
- inject 1-5ml (dependent on size) of local anaesthetic under the skin - surgical castration
- 1-5 ml (dependent on size) in both spermatic cords - for both bloodless and surgical castration.
- You can inject local anaesthetic straight in the testicle (instead of the cords) but this is only preferred if the testicle is larger than a ‘small fist’ size. - Wait minimum of 5 minutes before proceeding.
- provide NSAIDs
Describe the twisting method fo surgical castration after skin prep and the injection of local anaesthetic:
- place your hand on the scrotum above testicles and Pull the scrotum ventrally.
- make an incision through the scrotal skin of each testicle, and through the vaginal tunic.
- Separate the vaginal tunic from the testicle by tearing the ligament attaching the vaginal tunic to the testicle
- Push the remains of the vaginal tunic up the cord, dorsally away from the testis. Pull the testis down slightly: it will “give” about 1-2cm.
- Twist the cord repeatedly (either holding testicle or using artery forceps), occasionally stretching the cord slightly until it becomes thin and snaps.
- This is commonly done. The author has one experience of losing a calf to haemorrhage when this went wrong.
- Remove tissue visible outside the scrotum and pull the scrotal edges down to help obscure any internal material.
when using emasulators how should they be applied?
‘nut to nut’
This means that the wing nut on the emasculator should go towards the testicle, away from the body.
Using the emasculators the other way will cut the cord, but only crush the bit you’ve taken away – not the bit being left behind.
Hold in place for 60 seconds to allow a clot to start to form.
what is important when castrating goats?
clostridial disease vaccination
what are the rules regarding castation of pigs?
- Welfare of Farmed Animals Regulations 2003: Castration after day 7 of life can only be performed by a veterinary surgeon
- Open surgical/twist and pull technique usual
how is vasectomy performed in the ram and billy goat?
- Local anaesthesia (or GA) over scrotal neck and spermatic cords
- Incision at cranial aspect of each scrotum through skin, dartos, fascia (single cranial mid-scrotal incision also used by some veterinarians)
- Bluntly dissect cord
- Palpate vas as thick walled tube in non-vascular portion
- Incise tunic
- Pull out loop of vas
- Two ligatures and remove segment between
- Close skin
what are the board parts of the pre-breeding examination?
- general physical examination
- examination go external genitalia
- semen sample on single day
what are the management components/ important features of a breedign ram?
- Ideal BCS
- No lameness
- No disease
- No recent treatments with corticosteroids or some antibiotics (oxytet can reduce sperm count)
- Good teeth
- Good posture
- No brisket sores
what are the advantages of usign a teaser ram?
Approximately a 2 week advancement might be achieved using a teaser
A tighter lambing period would be expected after using a teaser
what is the process behind usign hormones ot synchronise ewes for breeding?
- insert progesterone based sponge or CIDRS
- 12-14 (depend on product) remove device and then inject eCG
- the onset on oestrus occurs within 1-2 ays after removal