Farm animal abortion Flashcards
what is the difference between abortion and still birth?
What is a bovine abortion?
Abortion = birth before full term, of a dead or non-viable foetus
Stillbirth = birth at full term, of a dead or non-viable foetus
Bovine abortion = Expulsion of a foetus between the completion of differentiation (day 42) and the limit of foetal independent viability (day 265).
why do we investigate abortion?
- Economic impacts – calf, milk, AI, feed etc.
- Wider significance or an easily solved problem?
- Public Health – zoonoses e.g. Salmonellosis
- Neospora – nearby footpaths
- Poor nutrition
- Statutory Requirement – Brucellosis Order
- The legislation requires anyone in charge of bovine animals to report any abortion or premature calving (< 271 days after service or < 265 after implantation whether calf is dead or alive) within 24 hours.
- Suspicion of Brucella abortus must be reported to APHA in the same way as other notifiable diseases.
what are the general themes of approaching an abortion case?
- history - individual and herd, clinicla signs in dam
- foetus quality
- decide adn intervention figure
- sampling - serology, PM of foetus
- list differentials
- biosecurity and zoonosis
- control/treatment plan
why are diagnositc rates for abortion low?
- Non-infectious causes
- Cost
- Limited farm history & data
- Sample quality & quantity
- No placenta
- Bacterial contaminant overgrowth
- Autolysis
- Cattle – time to abort
- Laboratory test limitations – only so many things can be tested for!
- Sampling bias – some farmers sample every abortion, some only with a disaster!
what are the non-infectious causes of abortion in cattle?
common in cattle, but difficult to prove:
* Hereditary disorders/congenital defects
* Toxins e.g. ergot, nitrates, brassicae, mycotoxins, hemlock, heavy metals
* Trauma/physical factors
* Prostaglandins – endogenous (stress), inflammation, pyrexia; exogenous
* Nutritional deficiencies/toxicities – severe starvation, pregnancy toxaemia, vit. A, iodine, selenium, manganese
* Concurrent disease – liver fluke, pneumonia, Johne’s, lungworm etc.
what are the viral causes of abortion in cattle? which are notifiable?
IBR – BoHV-1
Schmallenberg virus
Bluetongue virus - notifiable
what are the bacterial/Rickettsia causes of abortion in cattle? Which are notifiable and zoonotic?
Brucellosis - notifiable and zoonotic
Leptospirosis - zoonotic
Salmonellosis - zoonotic
Bacillus licheniformis
Listeria spp. - zoonotic
Coxiella burnetti (Q Fever) - zoonotic
what are the fungal, protozoa and sporadic infectious cuases of abortion in cattle? which are notifiable and zoonotic?
Fungal – Aspergillus, Absidia, Rhizopus etc.
* Neospora caninum
* Trichomoniasis
*Sporadic causes *
* Trueperella pyogenes
* E. coli - zoonotic
* Histophilus somni
* TB - notifiable
what are the viral causes of abortion in sheep? which are notifiable?
Border disease
Bluetongue virus - notifiable
Schmallenberg virus
what are the bacterial/rickettsia causes of abortion in sheep? which are notifiable and zoonotic?
Campylobacter fetus fetus, Campylobacter jejuni - zoonotic
Listeria spp. - zoonotic
Salmonellosis - zoonotic
Leptospirosis - zoonotic
Brucellosis - notifiable
Coxiella burnetti (Q Fever) – Rickettsia - zoonotic
Tick Borne Fever - Anaplasma phagocytophilum
what are the protozoal causes of abortion in sheep? is this zoonotic or notifiable ?
toxoplasma gondii - zoonotic
How is neospora canium transmited to cattle and within cattle?
protozoal parasite:
* Canines are the definitive host but vertical transmission much more common
* Exogenous transmission = Canine ingestion of tissue cysts e.g. in placenta –>oocysts passed in faeces –> contaminate feed/water –> cow injests infectious dog faeces –> cysts primarily in neural tissue –> Vertical transmission withing cow from tachyzoites, via the placenta –> foetus
* Endogenous transmission = Previously/persistently infected cow has reactivation of tissue cysts
what are the clinical signs of neospora caninum in cattle?
what problems does this cause in a herd?
- Abortion typically at 4-7 months but can cause resorptions, mummification, stillbirth, or may be born alive and persistently infected +/- congenital CNS disease
- Persistently infected calves grow to become persistently infected cows –> 40-50% abort in their first year, or results in vertical transmission
how is neospora caninum diagnosed and prevented?
* Serology in cows
* Negative – rules out Neospora
* Positive – not diagnostic as not definitely the cause
* Antibody levels tend to be highest 10 to 4 weeks before calving
* PCR on foetal brain
* Histopathology +/- IHC on fixed brain
* Infected dog faeces
* Remove access to placental material
* Test purchased cattle
* Avoid retaining breeding heifers born from seropositive cows
* Test and cull cows
what occurs if a cow is infected with BVD in pregnancy?
Abortion can occur at any point in gestation (usually 1st/2nd trimester)
* 0 - 30 days – infertility or early embryonic death
* 18-125 days – PI calves
* 80-150 days – congenital defects e.g. cerebellar hypoplasia, cataracts, hydrocephalus etc.
* > 150 days – the calf can launch an immune response and often survives