Vasculitis Flashcards
What is vasculituis
Inflammation and fibrinoid necrosis of the blood vessel wall
Importance of vasculitis
S Severe systemic disorders that can lead to organ failure and other fatalities
I Ischemia of tissues or organs supplied
T thromboembolism
A Aneurysms
Aetiology of Vasculitis
Infections,drugs,autoantibodies,Malignancy, abnormal circulating plasma proteins, underlying systemic disease
However, 50% are said to be idiopathic
Pathogenesis of Vasculitis
The two main pathogenic mechanisms of vasculitis are immune mediated inflammation and direct invasion of vascular wall by infectious pathogens.
Infections may also indirectly cause vasculitis by triggering crossreactivity and forming immune complexes that deposit on bv wall
Classification of vasculitis
Based on infection- infectious and non infectious
Based on size
Infectious vasculiits is further divided into
Endarteritis obliterans
Non syphilitic infective arteritis
Syphilitic arteritis which is further divided into cerebral syphilitic arteritis and syphilitic aortitis
About endarteritits obliiterans
A non specific inflammatory response of arteries and arterioles to a variety of irritants including chemicals, radiation etc
It usually results in occlusion of the lumen of small arteries
Observed at the base of Chronic ulcer like PUD
Non infectious vasculitis
Deposition of immune complexes
Direct attack on vessels by circulating antibodies
Anitineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
Various forms of cell mediated immunity
Chronic infections with hepatitis B virus is associated with some cases of
Polyarteritis nodosa
P-ANCA is directed mainly against
C-ANCA is directed mainly against
Proteinase 3
ANCA is typically associated with large vessel vasculitis .t/f
F…small vessel vasculitis like wegener’s and microscopic polyangitis
Classification of Vasculitis based on size of blood vessel
Giant Cell Arteritis
A focal ,chronic, granulomatous inflammation often found in the temporal arteries
It is one of te most common forms of vasculitis that affects mainly the large and medium sized branches of the Carotid artery.
Temporal arteritis is rare before what age?
50 years
Clinical features of giant cell arteritis
V-Visual symptoms
C-Claudication of muscles of mastication
H-Headache that is sharp, localised and throbbing
O-Giant O
P-Palpable tenderness over temporal artery with thickening
S- Systemic malaise
Prognosis of GCA
Tends to be benign and self limiting
Symptoms subside in 6 to 12 months
Response to corticosteroid therapy is often dramatic with symptoms subsiding within days
Anti -TNF therapy is also effective