Female Genital Pathology 2 Flashcards
Inflammation of the fallopian tubes
Very common
Almost always a component of pid
Non gonococcal infections are more invasive
Increases risk of tubal ectopic pregnancy
All forms may produce fever, abdominal pain, pelvic masses
Tubo ovarian abscesses and obstruction of tubal lamina may produce permanent sterility.
True my guy
Physiologic cysts of the ovary include
Follicular cysts- Occurs when the follicle of the ovary doesn’t rupture or release its egg but instead grows until it becomes a cyst
Luteal cyst- Changes in the follicle of the ovary after an egg has been released can cause the eggs escape opening to seal off. Fluid builds up inside and a luteal cyst develops
Polycyclic ovarian syndrome
Also known as Stein Leventhal syndrome.
Increased estrogen and androgen production due to presence of more than 9 tiny cysts less than 8mm in size.
Features of POS
A- Amenorrhea/oligomenorrhea
P-polcyystic ovaries on ultrasound
Thickened outer tunica and hypertrophic luteinized theca interna and corpora lutea is absent
Excessive production of androgens
Increased Lh
Decreased Fsh
The 5th most common cancer in U.S women
Ovarian cancer
What are the 3 cell types that make up the ovary
The multipotential surface (coelomic) covering epithelium
The totipotential germ cells
Multipotential sex cord or stromal cells
Two of the most common risk factors of ovarian cancer
Nulliparity and family history cuz it’s not FON to have ovarian cancers of course
Mutations of BRCA 1 and 2 genes
HER2/NEU is overexposed in 35%, poor prognosis
K-RAS in 30% , mostly mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
P53 is mutated in about 50% of all ovarian cancers
About serous tumours
Most frequent , account for 60% of all ovarian cancers
Benign-30-40 yrs
Malignant 45-65 years
Poor prognosis in malignant cases
About Mucinous tumors
Differ from mucinous tumors in that epithelium consists of mucin secreting cells similar to those of the endocervical mucosa
10% malignant, 10% of low malignant potential, 80% benign
Better prognosis
About endometroid tumors
May be solid or cystic
Sometimes develop as a mass projecting from the wall of a cyst filled with chocolate coloured fluid.
15-30% of women with this tumor have a concomitant endometrial carcinoma
Also have mutations in PTEN gene
What are brenners tumors
Typically unilateral transitional like epithelium seen in the ovary
About teratomas
Neoplasms of germ cell origin
Constitute 15-20% of ovarian tumors
Arise in first 2 decades of life school that the younger the person is the greater the likelihood of malignancy
Benign mature cystic teratomas
Differentiation of
T-totipotential germ cells, teeth
E- epidermis
R- representing
T- three germ layers
O- torsion occurs for unknown reason
M-mature tissue
Be -benign
Immature malignant teratomas
Found early in life, mean age 18yrs
Differ from benign in that they are often bulky, solid or near solid on transection rather than producing secretions and are punctuated by areas of necrosis
Distinctive feature microscopically- immature areas of differentiation towards cartilage bone,muscle, nerve.
Stroma ovarii
Specialised teratoma composed entirely of mature thyroid tissue that may hyperfunction and produce hyperthyroidism