Female Genital Pathology 1 Flashcards
6 disorders that can affect the vulva
I- imperforate hymen in children
I-impeding secretions and menstrual flow later in life
P- Painful Bartholin cysts
N- non neoplastic epithelial disorders
Vulvitis is most often related to STDs T/F
What organisms are typically related to sexually transmitted vulvitis
Gonoccocal suppurative infections
Condyloma acuminata is also known as?
Caused by?
What strains?
Anogenital/genital warts
6 and 11
Treponema pallidum causes syphillis in which there is soft painful chancroid T/F
F…it causes hard painless chance
Soft painful is caused by H.ducreyi
The two types of dermatitis seen in vulvitis
Contact irritant dermatitis
Contact allergic dermatitis
Contact irritant dermatitis
Most common cause of vulvar pruritus
Presents as a well defined, erythematous weeping with crusting papules and plaques
May be a reaction to urine, soaps detergent, antiseptics or alcohol
Contact allergic dermatitis
Same as Cid
From allergy to perfumes, additives in creams soaps etc
Resolves with steroid use
Non neoplastic epithelial disorders
Consists of lichen sclerosus and lichen simplex chronicus
Both may appear macroscopically as leukoplakia
What is Lichen sclerosus
A non neoplastic epithelial disorder chxd by atrophic epithelium and dermal fibrosis which leads to an increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma
What is lichen simplex chronicus
A non neoplastic epithelial disorder chxd by a triad of SEE
Epithelial thickening
Expansion of stratum granulosum(CLOGS)
Surface hyperkeratosis
There is no increased predisposition of cancer but often present at margins of established cancer.
Tumors of the vulva
Condyloma lata and alumina
High grade VIN
Condyloma lata
Not common
Flat moist, minimally elevates lesions
Secondary to syphillis
Going due to treatment
Treatment of condyloma lata
Benzathine penicillin
Condyloma acuminata
More common
Also called anogenital warts
Significant chx- Perinuclear cytoplasmic vacuolisation
Not really precancerous
High grade Vulval intraepithelial neoplasms
90% are HPV related, younger people
90% are SCC
10%are non hpv related seen in older women
Ass with lichen sclerosus or other inflammatory conditions
Microscopically, extramammary paget’s disease of the vulvar is chxd by
Red scaly plaques chxd by spread of malignant cells within the epithelium , occasionally with invasion of underlying dermis
The vagina is most often the site of primary disease. T/F
F..rather it’s typically involved in the spread of infxn or cancers from vulva cervix etc
Primary disorders of the vagina include
Congenital anomalies
Primary carcinomas
Congenital anomalies of the vafina include
Total absence of vagina
Separate or double vagina
Congenital small lateral Gartner duct cysts
What are Gartner duct cysts
Cysts formed from remnants of Wolffian ducts in females
In adults, primary gonorrheal infection of the vagina is quite common T/F
F….it’s not common but may occur in newborns due to infected mothers
Vaginitis is typically caused by 2 organisms. Name them
Trichomonas vaginalis
Candida albicans
Vaginitis caused by T.vaginalis is chxd by
Green watery copious discharge that is foul smelling.
Flagellated organism seen on microscopy
Part of normal flora so typically involves sti of new aggressive strains
Vaginitis caused by Candida albicans typically involves
Curdy white discharge
Also part of NF
Non specific atrophic Vaginitis
Seen in post menopausal women
Preexisting atrophy due to loss of estrogen
Vaginal epithelial neoplasia is associated with hpv infxn like vulval t/f
Vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma is typically encountered in
Young women whose mothers took diethystilbestrol a synthetic estrogen, during pregnancy
1in 1000 of those exposed in utero