Vasculitis Flashcards
بسم الله توكلنا عليك وأنت خير الناصرين و انت سميع الدعاء مجيبه فلا تحرمنا من فضلك وأنزل علينا رحماتك تترا يارب العالمين
التهابات الشرايين تشترك جميعها في ؟
1-Thickening of the wall
2-Shedding of endothelium forming thrombosis
3-Weakness of wall and Aneurysm formation may rupture forming Hge
قال معاذ الله إنه ربي أحسن مثواي إنه لا يفلح الظالمون
دور الأجسام المضادة في التهاب الشرايين اذكره
1-ممكن تهاجم الخلايا الطلائية علي طول وده في مرض اسمه Kawaski disease
2-ممكن تكون معقدات مناعية من انتيجينات وينشط المكملاتcomplemets وتعمل التهابات
في مرض الذئبة SLE
3-ANCA :Antinuclear cytoplasmic antibody
ودي تضرب في الاوعية الصغيرة وتعمل فيها مشاكل !
Granuloma due to inflammation in wall of large blood vessels
Large to small vessel vasculitis (Khalifs describe)
Aorta , branches, opthalmic , temporal — Migarane Old males
1-Temporal arteritis ! Giant cell arteritis granulomatous inflammation and giant cell
صداع temp وزغللة في العين opthalmic
2-Takayaso arteritis aorta and its branches to upper limb
radial arteritis pulsless disease granulomatous giant cells
Ischemia in upper limb and giant cell
يطخن الجدار
يعمل جلطات
يعمل توسعات في الشريان
Giant cell TEMORAL ARETRITID depends on …… immunity
T cell mediated immuinty
Giant cell ARTERITIS affect which arterires ?
Temporal and opthalamic samll arteries
Why it is called giant cell arteritis ?
Because it is mechnism is by granuloma formation and giant cells are present
Takayso desvribe
In large to small arteries aortic arch and its branches to the upper limb middle age > granuloma
Mention Medium vessel arteritis .
1-Polyarteritis nodosa
strawberry tongue
appear in ?
Kawasaki arteritis
Polyateritis nodosa mostly appear in and rescpect ?
Mostly in kidney cauisng renal arteristsis nodosa and renal failure \
Respect The pulmonary arteries
The basis of Polayarteriris nodosa is ?
The formation of Immune complexes due to Hepatitis B virus
The most common pathogen casuing the Polyarteritis nodosa?
Hepatitis B virus
Describe the gross morph of the PAN .
multiple nodules - multiple aneurisms
describe Microscopic appearance of the PAN .
Necrotizing inflammation+ Neutrophils and Fibrosis !
Clinical picture of the PAN ?
Fever +HTN+ abdominal pain
Poly Arteritis Nodosa PAN
Description !
Multiple arteries mostly renal (not affecting pulmonary
Immune complex reaction , may be associated with HBV
gross: multiple nodules - multiple aneurisms
micro: necrotizing inflammation + excess neutrophils →
chronic & fibrosis
Clinical: (Fever + hypertension + abdominal pain)
Arteritis causing MucoCutanuous and LN syndrome involvement