vascular issues Flashcards
lipemia retinalis:
elevated serum triglyceride levels, make blood vessels look milky white, due to inc chylomicrons and triglyceride(level will be bw 1000mg/dl-2000)
CBC includes:
with differential?
RBCs and WBCs and platelets
w/diff get breakdown, including neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes (%s and absolute counts)
hematocrit norm value?
RBC absolute count norm value?
4.2-5.4 m/ul
amount of oxygen carrying protein
hemoglobin norm value?
12-16 gm/dl
what might low mean platelet volume correlate to? high platelet volume?
high=stroke, heart attack risk
platelet count norm value?
when to worry about retinal bleeding? (with what platelet counts?)
150-450 k/ul
-with 50 k/ul or less, worry about retinal bleeding
low platelet count
3 possible ocular findings ass. with anemia?
1) conj pallor
2) retinal hemes (some say you only get with anemia and low platelet count)
3) ischemic optic neuropathy (usually rapid onset anemia, blood loss from trauma etc.)
inc in RBCs, inc in blood volume and viscosity, decrease in flow
- hematocrit can be 70-80%
- hemoglobin 18.5
when blood becomes ___X more viscous than water, can get retinal changes
what retinal changes can occur with polycythemia?
- conj vascular engorgement
- dark/thickening of blood vessels
- ret hemes
- ret vein occlusions
Primary vs secondary polycythemia
1=excess bone marrow production
2=hypoxic state (lung or heart disease, inc altitude)
normal serum viscosity?
what is waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia?
small B cell lymphoma that secretes monoclonal Ig M which increases blood viscosity, causing tortuosity, sludging, venous dilation, segmentation
*normal IgM is 45-250mg/dl
waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia can cause what ocularly?
hemes, edema, retinal artery and vein occlusions
- central serous-like maculopathy
- usually starts in periphery, later inc and can appear with CWS and exudates too
what is multiple myeloma? what do you see in eye?
too much IgG, similar eye findings as waldenstrom, also cysts near ora
most pars plana cysts are from what?
how do you tx polycythemia? what about waldenstrom?
P=blood let WM=chemo, monoclonal abs etc
angiod streaks are caused by what and a risk factor for what?
breaks in Bruch’s membrane; risk factor for CNVM
what are some non-proliferative findings you might see with sickle cell in the eye?
- salmon patches
- black “sunbursts” of pigment epi hyperplasia
- angiod streaks
- schisis cavity
what is the main proliferative finding you might see with sickle cell in the eye?
“sea fans” which is peripheral neo
tx’s for sickle cell?
hydroxurea-Increases the concentration of fetal hemoglobin (holds more oxygen)
blood transfusions
bone marrow transplants
when to tx sickle cell in retina?
Bilateral proliferative disease
Elevated neovascular fronds
Rapidly growing fronds
Main treatment goal: try to get better overall control of the sickle cell disease with their doctor who is treating them medically
what are salmon patch hemes?
Salmon patch hemorrhages located in the mid periphery, it is an intraretinal
hemorrhage believed to be caused by peripheral arteriole occlusions
-from sickle cell
why do you get black sunburst pigmentation with sickle cell?
Black sunburst pigmentation represents pigment epithelial hyperplasia following infarct of choriocapillaris or subretinal hemorrhages from sickling, hemosiderin (from reabsorbed hemorrhage)