Vascular Disorders Flashcards
MC congenital prothrombotic state
Factor V leiden gene mutation
Most imp risk factor for DVT
Hospital admission
An anatomical factor giving rise to DVT
May Thurner syndrome:
Right iliac artery pressing on left iliac vein causing left iliac vein thrombosis.
MC vein affected in dvt
Calf/ soleal veins
MC veins causing pulmonary embolism
Ileofemoral veins
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
Painful blue limb
Thrombosis of major axial veins and collaterals
More risk of gangrene
Phlegmasia Alba dolens/
Painful white leg/ milk legs
Thrombosis of only major axial veins
Criteria for predicting DVT
Modified wells criteria
Mickey Mouse sign in varicose vein Doppler is formed by
GSV, Femoral vein, Common Femoral Artery
Management of acute arterial occlusion
- thrombolysis and embolectomy (fogarty balloon)
Late (gangrene)
- amputation
Procedures done to prevent compartment syndrome
Embolectomy + fasciotomy
Features of compartment syndrome
Excessive pain
Pain on passive stretching
Pulsations present
Classification of ischemic limb
Fontaine (4)
Rutherford (6)
-functional & critical.
Earliest sign of Leriche syndrome
Gluteal claudication