Vascular 2 Flashcards
PAD definition
Narrowing/occlusion of peripheral arteries, reducing blood supply to lower limbs
Chronic limb ischaemia types
Intermittent claudication
Critical limb ischaemia
Chronic limb-threatening ischaemia
Acute limb ischaemia definition
Sudden decrease in limb perfusion due to thrombotic/embolic cause
Atheroma formation
Endothelial dysfunction (LDL/HTN) allows LDL deposits.
LDL enters intima and gets oxidised, activates endothelial cells to recruit leukocytes
Monocytes/Th enter intima.
Monocytes - > macrophages. Take up LDL -> Foam cells (Fatty streak)
foam cells promote myocyte migration from tunica media (collagen synthesis)
Foam cell dies, lipid content released.
Have atheroma plaque formation.
Plaque ruptures and thrombus forms.
High risk plaques have thin cap with large lipid core.
Common atheroma sites
Circle of willis Carotid arteries Popliteal arteries Coronary arteries Abdominal aorta
Athersclerosis sequelae
Weakened vessel wall (arterial aneurysm, dissection)
Demand/supply mismatch (CHD, PAD, vascular dementia)
Thrombosis (ACS, stroke, acute limb ischaemia)
Renovascular hypertension
Atheroma RF
Hypercholesterolaemia, DM, old age, inactivity, HTN, smoking, obesity
Atherosclerosis S+S
Generally asymptomatic, but can have xanthalasma, carotid/ abdo bruit, AAA and loss of peripheral pulse
Intermittent Claudication
Pain on walking (ischaemia), relieved by rest
Gripping calf/thigh/buttock pain. Predominates in one leg, reproducible by walking same distance. If bilateral then internal iliacs often affected and may have ED
Comparison between intermittent claudication and cauda equina
Fixed distance in ID, variable in CE
Pain worse on uphill, better downhill in IC. Worse downhill in CE
Pain disappears in 1-2 mins in IC, takes 15-30 mins in CE
Absent peripheral pulse and reduced ABPI in IC. LMN findings in CE
Chronic peripheral arterial disease epidemiology and RF
Age over 50, but more so over 70
Associated with CHD, cerebrovascular disease and diabetes.
RF: Obesity, HTN, inactivity, smoking, hypercholesterolaemia, DM and older age. Men also higher risk. Smoking is biggest link and correlates to pack years and risk of limb amputation
DM is strong RF (esp poor control) due to accererated atherosclerosis and poor healing
Caused by atherosclerosis (commonly) but can be vasculitis (inflammatory) or fibromuscular dysplasia (non-inflammatory)
Signs of PAD
Pale, cold, hairless leg with reduced Cap refill, weak/absent pulse, arterial bruit and arterial ulceration (deep, punched out, painful, small. Esp over toe joints/heel and lateral aspect (malleolus)
Critical limb ischaemia
Defined as circulation impaired to imminent risk of limb loss. 2 symptoms are rest pain and tissue loss (becomes gangrene if infected and can get osteomyelitis)
Investigations for PAD
Bedside (obs/ECG)
Bloods (FBC, ESR, thrombophilia screen, lipid profile, BM)
Scans (ABPI, duplex USS (non-invasive, determine site/severity)
Can also use MRI/CT
> 1.2 is abnormally hard/calcified vessel
1.0-1.2 is normal
0.8-0.9 is mild arterial disease/claudication (mod RF)
0.5-0.79 is mod arterial disease/severe claudication (specialist referral)
<0.5 is severe arterial disease and critical ischaemia. Urgent referral