vascular Flashcards
Aneurysm definition
localised dilatation with permanent diameter >1.5x normal. True are formed by arterial wall, false has another tissue
fusiform aneurysm
Saccular aneursym
asymmetrical (berry)
False aneurysm
Leaking blood pools around vessel (can look fusiform)
Common aneurysm sites
Aorta (normally abdominal, and often below renal artery branches. Can also get thoracic (50% ascending aorta) -incidence increasing).
Popliteal is most common peripheral aneurysm - associated with AAAs. More common in men.
Aneurysm RF
Smoking, male>60, DM, HTN, high LDL, CT disorders, coarctation of aorta, pregnancy
Aneurysm complications
Intact often asymptomatic, but can compress nearby structures.
Berry aneurysm can cause intense headache
Thoracic aneurysm near aortic valve can prevent valve shutting and give aortic insufficiency due to backflow
Ruptured AAA can show Grey-Turney’s sign (but also seen in pancreatitis)
Aneurysm rupture
Hypotension, tachycardia, syncope, anaemia, expansile abdo mass, shock, severe left flank pain, vomiting, collapse
Aneurysm investigation and surveillance
USS shows location and can FU on development
CT angiography shows detailed image.
AAA screening for men >66 (but consider in higher risk too (COPD, vascular/CV issues, european origin, FHx AAA, hyperlipidaemia, HTN, smoking (ex and current)
On screening:
3.0-4.5 means 2 yearly surveillance
4.5-5.4 is 3 monthly surveillance
Also look at Risk modification
Management of aneurysm rupture
A->E (urgent issues, analgesia, ECG, inform ITU)
Bloods + crossmatch (wide bore cannula, blood tests, coag screen)
Fluids admin in hypotension
Major haemorrhage protocol
Vascular team involvement
Abdo USS to check size and rupture evidence
Surgical management (EVAR or open in complex cases)
Management of unruptured
Surgery is symptomatic, or asymptomatic and >5.5cm, or >4.0cm but growing by more than 1cm/year
Popliteal aneurysm signs and symtpoms
Often asymptomatic, but many have palpable/pulsatile mass behind knee. Can cause mass effects (tibial nerve compression, leg pain, paraesthesia, popliteal vein compression (Swelling)
Can lead to acute complication with thrombosis and acute limb ischaemia (pallor, cold leg, pain, parasthesia)
Investigating popliteal aneurysm
Duplex USS (vessel patency, thrombus development) CT/MR as alternative for accurate measure of lumen diameter
Popliteal aneurysm management
Conservative if <2cm (duplex surveillance) or surgical (EVAR/open)
Aortic dissection
Intima tears, tunica media separation and false lumen development. Common in first 10cm of aorta, but needs weakness to predispose (weakness can give aneurysm or dissection)
DeBakey 1
Intimal tear in ascending aorta, but descending also involved
De Bakey 2
Only ascending involvement
De Bakey 3
Only descending involvement