ECGs Flashcards
Electrode placement
Red (Right arm), Yellow (left arm), Green (left leg), black (right leg)
V1 is IC4 left, V2 is IC4 right, V3 is between V2 and V4, V4 is ISC5 MCL, V5 is anterior axillary line level with L4, V6 is mid axillary line level with V4
PR interval
Start of P wave to start of QRS
QT interval
Start of QRS to end of T wave
PR segment
End of P wave and Start of QRS (baseline).
This is delay at AV node only
ST segment
End of QRS, start of T
Paper time and voltage
Small squares are 0.04s and 0.1mv.
Larger squares are 0.2s
10 small squares is 1mV
P wave
Atrial depolarisation. Should be <0.12 (3 small squares) in time. <0.25mv (2.5 small squares high)
Upright in Lead I, AvF, V3-V6
PR interval
Atrial depolarisation (P wave) AND delay at AV node Should be 0.12-0.20 s (3-5 small squares)
0.5mV in 1+ limb lead, and >1mV in 1+ chest lead.
Should 3.0mV or less.
Positive in I, II, V4-V6
Negative in aVR, V1 and V2
Any subsequent positive wave that follows the R wave
QT interval
Covers whole ventricular Action potential.
In males, <0.4 s, in females <0.44 seconds (11 small squares). Needs rate correcting (QTc).
ST segment elevation/depression
Isoelectric until start of T wave, but 2mm elevation is normal in chest leads
Nor normally depressed >0.5mm
T wave specifics
Normally rounded and asymmetrical. Aplitude is >0.2mV in V3 and V4.
Direction is the same as QRS in at least 5 limb leads.
Axis deviation
LEft axis deviation: Lead 1 up and aVF down
Right axis deviation: lead 1 down and aVF points up
Extreme axis deviation: Lead 1 and aVF point downwards