Various Idioms Flashcards
sth you tell others to stop doing sth
cut it out (used in imperative)
Hey, you kids are making too much noise. Cut it out.
to try very hard to do something (think of bodily movement)
bend/lean over backwards
suddenly become very angry (think of steam coming out of a kettle)
blow your lid/top/stack
to defeat, bore, frighten, etc. someone completely (think of an item of clothing)
beat, bore, scare, etc. THE pants off sb
to try to do something you have not done before
to have A bash (at it)
to make a quick decision or give an answer quickly (think of a body part)
to think on one’s feet
to be a good thing to do, or to be a lucky thing to happen or be done
to be just as well
It’s just as well you’re not here - you wouldn’t like the noise.
He left at three, which was just as well or he’d have missed the train.
It would be as well to check the small print.
used to mean that something will happen very quickly and simply …. И вуаля - вы у цели / и вы на месте / вот и всё, всё просто
and Bob’s your uncle
Just tell them you’re a friend of mine and, Bob’s your uncle, you’ll get the job.
everyone enjoyed it very much
go down A treat (with sb)
is suitable and has the right effect
hit /strike THE right note
been very successful and probably made a lot of money
hit THE jackpot
tasted good and made everyone satifsfied
hit THE spot with sb
to show that you are happy to be at a social event by talking to a lot of people, dancing, or wearing special clothes
to enter/get into THE spirit of
‘Hey, I like your hat!’ ‘Well, I thought I’d better enter into the spirit of things.’
I’m afraid I was feeling too ill to really get into the spirit of the evening.
if an event, especially a party, X, it is very exciting and successful
go with A swing
dream of becoming famous
to have got stars in one’s eyesd
to be in good spirits, happy and excited
to be on A high
very happy (feating a first name)
as happy as Larry
very happy indeed (think of a time of year)
to be full of THE joys of spring
irritate (think of an animal)
to get one’s goat
make one very angry (think of where animals are kept)
to rattle one’s cage
angry and worried (x and y)
all hot and bothered
become very angry
to burst A blood vessel
Mum almost burst a blood vessel when she saw my brother fighting on the street.
said when one is sure he will never do any such thing (think of an animal)
wild horses couldn’t make me (do sth)
shock or upset very much (think of a number)
to knock sb for six
don’t look or approve of; also, not willing to have sth in one’s house
not go give sth house room
be very cross with yourself because you’ve done sth very stupid
kick yourself (for doing sth)
испытывать судьбу
push it / push you luck
to have very little patience with people who you think are silly or have stupid ideas
not suffer fools gladly
Jim’s a fair boss, but he doesn’t suffer fools gladly.
To begin; to gain early experience.
набираться опыта
cut one’s teeth
He cut his teeth flying model airplanes as a child, so aeronautical engineering came naturally.
to be very poor, lack basic necessities
not to have sth to one’s name
: I don’t have a hat to my name.
: not have a penny to your name
to not allow someone to win easily
give sb a run for their money
We’re going to give the other candidate a run for her money.
said when you are giving someone a piece of information and you are notcertain if that information is useful or important
>whether or not this is of any use/value
>It’s almost a kind of self-deprecation; it’s saying ‘No words of mine will be adequate, but…’
если кому интересно”, “если кому надо”, “может, и не важно, но вот», мало ли…
for what it’s worth
:For what it’s worth, I think you can’t trust that man.
:And my son says, for what it’s worth, that he won’t do that again.
:For what it’s worth, I’m very sorry I broke the window.
> something that causes serious problems and disappointment for a person trying to do something
> a hit to the main part of your body
body blow
Having all her research notes stolen was a real body blow for her.
to use something or someone that is not completely suitable because nothing or no one more suitable is available
> Induce someone to join the military. More recently the phrase is used to mean ‘make impromptu use of’ some article or person to fulfill some task - usually someone or thing that isn’t normally used for such a task.
press sth/sb into service
The car’s broken down so I’ve had to press my old bike back into service.