Collocations Flashcards
похвальная/достойная попытка, но, возможно, неудачная
noble effort
общий знаменатель
common denominator
1 система отсчета;
2 A set of ideas, as of philosophical or religious doctrine, in terms of which other ideas are interpreted or assigned meaning; a system of assumptions and standards that sanction behavior and give it meaning
frame of reference
нелицеприятное / жалкое зрелище
unedifying / sad spectacle
шутка теряет свою остроту
the joke wears thin
retail threapy
to complain officially about someone in a law court
подавать в суд, выдвигать обвинения
press charges
The family have decided not to press charges against him.
слепая вера
unquestioning faith
удостоить ответом
dignify sth with a response
вьючное животное
pack animal
beast of burden
кованое (сварочное) железо
wrought iron
скорее случайно, чем специально
through accident rather than design
«найди десять отличий». Иронично, о том, что не имеет реальных отличий
метод кнута и пряника
carrot and stick
Sometimes I just have to resort to the carrot and stick approach with my children
if sth is this, everyone has forgotten it because it happened such a long time ago, давно забытый (метафора)
lost in the mists of time
вызывать смех, заставлять смеяться
raise a laugh
‘I raised a laugh by pointing out that chapter 15 had been printed first’