variables Flashcards
zone 1 cardio training
Below VT1
RPE (1-10) 3-4
Light to moderate
Starting to sweat but can still carry on a conversation effortlessly
zone 2 cardio training
VT1 to Midpoint*
RPE (1-10) 5-6
Challenging to hard
Noticeable sweating and using larger volumes of breath
Continual talking is becoming challenging
zone 3 cardio training
Midpoint to VT2
RPE(1-10) 7-8
Vigorous to very hard
Profuse sweating
Vigorous breathing and ability to talk is limited to short phrases
zone 4 cardio training
Above VT2
RPE (1-10) 9-10
ery hard to maximum effort
Breathing as hard as possible
Speaking is impossible or limited to grunts of single words
core training progression
Stabalization through the spine and pelvis no trunk movement
movement taking the spine through full range of motion
increase force production in core
Balence training progression
unstable enviornment to help train body to stabilize
dynamic movments in unstable enviornment
deceleration from dynamic state to stable controlled position
Plyometric training progression
Small jumps with focus on form
faster more powerful dynamic jumps
explosive powerful movments
SAQ progression
beginer 4-6 drills 1-2 sets 2-3 reps 15-60 rest
intermediate 6-8 drills 3-4 sets 3-5 reps 0-60 rest
advanced 6-10 drills 3-5 sets 3-5 reps 0-90 rest
Youth SAQ guidlines
frequency 1-3 per week
4-8 drills
1-4 sets
3-5 reps
15-60 rest
Phase 1 Flexibility
Sets; 1-3
Tempo; 30 sec hold
Intensity; N/A
Rest; N/A
Frequency; 3-7 times/week
Duration; 4-6 weeks
Exercise; SMR & static stretch
Phase 1; Core
Reps; 12-30
Sets; 1-4
Tempo; Slow 4/2/1
Intensity; N/A
Rest; 0-90 sec
Frequency; 2-4 times/week
Duration; 4-6 weeks
exersize selection 1-4 core stabilization
Phase 1; Balance
Reps; 12-20 (6-10 slow)
Sets; 1-3
Tempo; Slow 4/2/1
Intensity; N/A
Rest; 0-90 sec
Frequency; 2-4 times/week
Duration; 4-6 weeks
Phase 1; Plyometric
Reps; 5-8
Sets; 1-3
Tempo; 3-5 sec hold on landing
Intensity; N/A
Rest; 0-90 sec
Frequency; 2-4 times/week
Duration; 4-6 weeks
Phase 1; SAQ
Reps; 2-3
Sets; 1-2
Tempo; Moderate
Intensity; N/A
Rest; 0-90 sec
Frequency; 2-4 times/week
Duration; 4-6 weeks
Exercise; 4-6 drills with limited horizontal inertia and unpredictability
Phase 1; Resistance
Reps; 12-20
Sets; 1-3
Tempo; 4/2/1
Intensity; 50-70%
Rest; 0-90 sec
Frequency; 2-4 times/week
Duration; 4-6 weeks
Phase 2; Strength Endurance Training
The second level of training in the OPT model focuses on the main adaptation of strength which includes strength endurance, hypertrophy, and maximal strength.
Phase 1; Stabilization Endurance Training
The first level of training in the OPT model focuses on the main adaptation of stabilization and is designed to prepare the body for the demands of higher levels of training that may follow.
Phase 2; Flexibility
Reps; 5-10
Sets; 1-2
Tempo; 1-2 sec hold
Intensity; N/A
Rest; N/A
Frequency; 3-7 times/week
Duration; 4 weeks
Exercise; SMR & static stretch