Values Beliefs and Caring Flashcards
mental representatins of reality or what a person thinks is real or true
enduring beliefs that help the person decide what is right or wrong and determine what goals to strive for and what personal quaities to develop
How beliefs and vales are developed.
Personal experiences, family influences, culture, ethnic background spirtuality relgion and education
expalin the use of value clarification process in dealing with value conflict
the nurse needs to recognize when a values conflict exists and seek ways to identify the underlying factors causing the concern. A values clarification tool can be used to help patiets examine ast life experieneces and consider where they spend their tme and money, ad energy t provide insight int what they truy valu and belive. Value clarificatuion can helpnurses become more aware of their own personal vales and beliefs that impact professional nursing practice.
how the beliefs of nurses and patient impacts health care
the belif of both nurses and patient ifuence how patients are treated, what patients listen to and act upon and patient outcomes .
leningers cultura care theory
culturally based nursing actions are intended to preserve, accommodate,or reconstruct the patients meaningful health or life patterns.
watsons human science and human care theory
hlistic model of care in which the nurses focuses on 10 caritas.
embrace alturistic vales and practices loving kindness with self and others
instill faith and honor others
be sensitive to others by nuturing individual eliefs and practices
develop helping trusting relationships
promote and accept postive and negative feeling se ceative scientific problem soling
share teaching and earning that adresses individua needs and comprehensive styles
create a holistic healing environmet
asist with olistic needs
be open to mystery ad healing and miracles
joyce travelbee human to human relationshipmodel
the nurse assits t he patient thrugh 5 phases of relationshipanf if necessary to find meaning in these experirence.
Swansons middle range heory
maintaining belif knowng, being with, enabling, doing for
how do nurses turn into caring professionals
expriences observations of both posive and negative role models and interactions with strong professional mentors
behaviors that demostrate caring
presence,consistency, pedicitiability touch ,listening
first order beliefs
serve as a foudationor the basis of an individuals belief sstem. peole develop first order beliefs about what is correct, real, and true in eaarly childhood directly through experiences or indrectly throghauthority figures
higher order beliefs
ideas dived from a persons firstorderbelifs using eiher inductive reasoning or deductive reasoning.