All Chapters Flashcards
Abnormal reactive hypermedia
The persistent redness that occurs during stage 1 pressure ulcer due to excessive vasodilation caused by pressure.
Movement of smaller elements through the walls of the digestive tract and into the blood. The passage of a drug from administration site into the blood stream.
Voluntary avoidance of sexual intercourse.
Anything offensive, harmful, or injurious to an individual that can pose a direct safety threat. The four major types of abuse are physical, psychological/emotional, sexual, and financial.
Incidents that occur at random and may be unavoidable.
Changing the pattern of behavior when encountering new similar objects. The ability of the eyes to focus on near objects.
The concept of being answerable for ones actions.
Cultural change achieved through exchange of cultural features resulting from firsthand contact between groups.
To represent something in a true and correct.
A chemical that releases hydrogen ions.
Activated partial thromboplastin time
Coagulation blood test used to detect bleeding disorders caused by abnormalities of the intrinsic clotting system and to monitor the effectiveness of heparin therapy.
Active range of motion
Demonstration of full, independent movement of each joint .
Active transport
The movement of solute from areas of lower to higher concentration which requires energy
Activities of daily living ( adls)
Activities that include bathing , mouth care, grooming, toileting, dressing , and eating.
Actual nursing diagnoses
Nanda 1 diagnostic labels for existing problems or concerns of a patient .