Values and Ethics Flashcards
The NASW Code of Ethics is a set of rules that prescribe all behaviors in complexities of professional work and practice.
False: The NASW Code of Ethics is a guide for conduct in situations that have ethical implications.
Clinicians should take additional steps if necessary to insure a client’s comprehension of the informed consent contract.
The Code of Ethics (COE) does not cover research activities of social workers.
False: The Code of Ethics does cover research activities of social workers.
Couples should be informed that both reconciliation and divorce are possible outcomes of therapy.
The NASW COE is relevant to all social workers and social work students, regardless of their professional functions, the settings in which they work, or the populations they serve.
Therapists should terminate services if they wish to pursue a social, financial, or sexual relationship with a client.
False: Engaging in social, financial, or sexual relationships with clients or
former clients is unethical and constitutes a boundary violation.
The COE requires social workers to make every effort to foster the self-determination of clients.
When treating a couple, the clinician only needs informed consent from one individual.
False: When treating a couple, the clinician needs informed consent from both individuals.
A therapist should document that the therapist obtained informed consent for treatment from the client.
The COE does not address the issue of fees.
False: The COE does address the issue of fees
the therapist has an ethical duty to inform clients of possible outcomes of treatment.
A therapist is obligated to break confidentiality if a client has thoughts of suicide.
False: A therapist is obligated to break confidentiality when the disclosure is
necessary to prevent serious, foreseeable, and imminent harm to the client.
The COE requires respect for clients’ privacy.
The COE does not offer guidelines for disputes among colleagues.
False: Section 2.04 of the COE makes recommendations regarding disputes among colleagues.
A therapist is obligated to break confidentiality if there is a reasonable suspicion of child abuse.
A therapist is required to exert privilege if a husband calls and asks for information about his wife’s treatment.
False: A therapist is required to maintain confidentiality if a husband calls
and asks for information about his wife’s treatment. Privilege refers to
the legal setting.
According to the COE, you should only accept a job that you have the skills to perform.
If a client has a plan to vandalize someone’s car, the therapist should warn both the victim and the police.
False: Social workers can disclose confidential information without client consent when the disclosure is necessary to prevent serious, foreseeable, and imminent harm to another individual. Property damage does not qualify.
A therapist can make exceptions of confidentiality rules if the therapist’s clients are involved in a federally funded research project.
False: Social workers are required to maintain the confidentiality of clients, regardless of their participation in research projects.
A therapist is obligated to break confidentiality if there is a reasonable suspicion of domestic violence.
False: Domestic violence does not require a report, whether it is suspected or known.
A therapist can refuse to treat a client if the client practices a fundamental religion.
False: Social workers cannot refuse treatment to individuals on the basis of religion.
Therapists have an ethical responsibility to take reasonable care in maintaining client confidentiality while using electronic devices.
As a supervisor, you should not have sexual relationships with supervisees.
If an HIV+ client discloses intent to have unprotected sex with someone, the therapist has a duty to warn that individual.
False: Social workers are required to maintain the confidentiality of HIV+
clients in regard to their sexual behavior.
If a therapist is in doubt about practice, the COE requires that the therapist seek the advice of supervisors and colleagues.
The term privilege relates to the release of information in a legal setting.
Clients must give specific consent if the therapist plans to record the session.
Social workers have no obligation to promote or facilitate research since the primary goal is to help people in need and address social problems.
False: Social workers have an obligation to promote and facilitate research
to contribute to the knowledge base of the profession. (please note that this
question was changed 5/10/16)
If a lawyer subpoenas a client’s records without a release, the therapist should provide the information immediately.
False: If a lawyer subpoena’s a client’s records without a release, the
therapist should contact the client and exert privilege.
Privilege is suspended if either the client or the therapist sues the other.
As a supervisor, it is your ethical duty to make orderly and explicit arrangements regarding relationships with supervisees.
Social workers who are teachers or field instructors should take steps to ensure that clients understand when services are being provided by a student.
As a therapist, it is unethical to solicit the clients of a colleague.
If a therapist receives a subpoena for testimony, the therapist should exert privilege and contact the client.
False: If a therapist receives a subpoena for testimony, the therapist should
contact legal counsel.
The COE requires that social workers report unethical colleagues but does not specify who to report them to.
A Tarasoff condition only exists if a client makes a serious threat to harm an identifiable victim.
False: A Tarasoff condition may exist if a family member contacts the therapist with the specific information or if in the social worker’s clinical judgment the threat exists.
As a social worker, it is unethical to accept a job in an agency that is under public sanction from the NASW.
Therapists have an ethical duty to collaborate or refer to improve and protect the health and well being of their clients.
The COE prohibits social workers from criticizing the social work profession.
False: The COE encourages social workers to criticize the social work
If a therapist receives a court order for client records and believes the release would be harmful to the client, the therapist should first advocate for no release or a limited release of information.
The COE requires practitioners to become involved in establishing agency policy.
Therapists should investigate child abuse if they have a reasonable suspicion.
False: Therapists should report child abuse if they have a reasonable
Clinicians should not engage in dual or multiple relationships with
clients or former clients where there is a risk of potential harm to the client
Ethically, students cannot be placed in agencies that are under sanction by the NASW.
When dual or multiple relationships are unavoidable, clients are responsible for setting clear, appropriate boundaries.
False: When dual or multiple relationships are unavoidable, clinicians are
responsible for setting clear, appropriate boundaries.
Therapists should avoid initiating treatment when there is a known dual relationship.
Social workers are required to keep current on practice knowledge developments.
When clinicians provide services to two or more people who have a relationship to each other (e.g., couples, family members), the clinicians should clarify the nature of their professional responsibilities to each individual.
Clients should be informed of their rights regarding services.
The COE does not require the identification of risks because they are unknown.
False: The COE does require the identification of risks, since they are often
foreseeable and known.
When clinicians provide services to a couple, a “no-secrets” policy is required.
False: This is best practice, but is not required.
Clinicians should under no circumstances engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with current clients, whether such contact is consensual or forced.
Clinicians should only provide clinical services to individuals with whom they have had a prior sexual relationship after a reasonable amount of time has passed.
False: Clinicians should not provide services to individuals with whom they
have had prior sexual relationships.
As a supervisor, you are responsible for the actions of your supervisees.
Social isolation of an elder or dependent adult is a reportable offense.
Client records are the property of the client.
False: Client records are the property of the clinician (or in some cases the
agency), but clients should have reasonable access to records concerning
the client.
Parents have the right to access their child’s mental health records.
The COE urges practitioners to adhere to commitments made to employing organizations.
It is acceptable to receive compensation for the referral of professional clients.
False: It is unethical to receive compensation for the referral of professional
Clinicians have an ethical duty to discuss with clients how insurance companies will manage their confidential information.
The COE indicates that social workers should discuss their policies around the use of technology in the provision of services.
Since clients have universal access to the internet, employing the use of technology is an acceptable practice for all clients.
False: According to the updated Code of Ethics, social workers should
assess a client’s suitability and capacity for electronic and remote services
when using technology to provide services.
According to the COE, clients should provide consent before audio and/or video recordings of sessions are made or viewed with a third party.
Clients do not need to provide consent when a supervisor or third party is observing the session.
False: Clients should provide informed consent before permitting observation by a third party.
Clinicians may reasonably perform an internet search on a client without consent in order to prevent imminent and foreseeable harm to the client or others.
Social workers do not need particular knowledge or skills to employ the use of technology in the provision of services.
False: Social workers who use technology in their provision of services
should ensure that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in this practice in a competent manner, including special communication challenges, ability to implement strategies, etc.
According to research, technology is used consistently across cultural groups, so social workers do not need to take a client’s cultural background into consideration when deciding on the use of technology in treatment.
False: Social workers should have an awareness of the socioeconomic and cultural differences among clients and how they may use electronic technology.
The COE states that social workers should avoid communicating with clients using technology around personal or non-work-related purposes.
A social worker should avoid accepting “friend” requests from clients on their personal Facebook page to avoid boundary confusion or harm to the client.
Social workers can post personal information on professional websites or other social media sites without taking into consideration its potential effects on clients.
False: Social workers should be aware of how posting personal information
on professional websites or other social media may cause dual relationships,
boundary confusion, or harm to clients.
When working with couples or families, agreements should be made regarding whether confidential information may be exchanged in person or electronically, among clients or with others outside of sessions.
Social workers do not need to obtain informed consent before performing an internet search on a client.
False: Social workers should obtain consent before performing an internet search on a client UNLESS that search is needed to reasonably prevent imminent, foreseeable harm to self or others, or for other compelling professional reasons.
Social workers do not necessarily need to use formal safeguards when using electronic communication.
False. Social workers should use applicable safeguards (encryption, firewalls, passwords, etc.) when using electronic communication such as email, online chat sessions, and texting.
Social workers should NOT, under any circumstances, engage in sexual communication with a client through the use of technology or in person.
Social workers should avoid unwarranted criticism of colleagues in electronic communication and on social media sites.