Valuation (Level 2) Flashcards
Why is statutory due diligence carried out for valuations?
To check that there are no material matters which could impact upon the valuation.
What statutory checks would be carried out for a valuation?
- Asbestos register
-Business Rates
-Flood Risk
-Planning History
-Equality Act Compliance
-Legal title and tenure
-Environmental Matters
What three steps would you undertake prior to commencing a valuation?
1 - SUK - Competence (Skills, Understanding and Knowledge)
2 - Conflicts and Personal Interests
3- Terms of Engagement (written instruction and confirmation, competence of valuer, extent and limitations of the valuer’s inspection)
What are the five methods of valuation?
- Comparative
- Investment
- Profits
- Residual
- Contractors (Depreciated Replacement Cost)
IVS 105 Valuation Approaches, what are they?
- Income Approach (Investment, Residual and Profits Method)
- Cost Approach (DRC Method)
- Market Approach (Comparable Method)
What is Market Value?
The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange
- On the Valuation Date
- Between a willing buyer and a willing seller
- on appropriate terms
- in an arms length transaction
- after proper marketing
- where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.
What is Market Rent?
Estimated amount for which a property should be leased
- On the valuation date
- between a willing lessor and a willing lessee
- On appropriate lease terms
- In an arm’s length transaction
- After proper marketing
- where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion
What is Fair Value?
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
- required if the International Financial Reporting Standards have been adopted by the client.
- adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board
- RICS - see as consistent with Market Value
What is Investment Value?
The value of an asset to a particular owner, or prospective owner for individual investment or operational objectives.
- May differ to Market Value
- Sometimes used as a measure of worth to reflect value against the client’s own investment criteria.
What is an internal valuer?
Employed by company to value the assets of the company/enterprise.
Internal use only.
No third-party reliance.
External valuer?
Has no material links with the asset to be valued or the client.
What are main principles of RICS Guidance Note ‘ Comparable Evidence in Real Estate Valuation’ 2019?
- provides advice in dealing with situations where there is limited availability of evidence.
- Sets out a non-prescriptive hierarchy of evidence.
- assess the relative importance of evidence on a case-by-case basis.
Explain the hierarchy of evidence in the Comparable Evidence in Real Estate Valuation’ 2019 Guidance note.
- Category A - Direct comparables
- Category B - General market data
- Category C - Other sources and background data.
What is IVS 105?
Valuation Approaches and Methods.
1. Income Approach (converting current and future cash flow into capital value. (Investment and Profits).
2. Cost Approach (reference to the cost of the asset by purchase or construction (DRC or Residual)
3. Market/Comparable Approach
Can you detail the comparable approach methodology?
- Search and Select
- Confirm and Verify
- Assemble Schedule
- Adjust
- Analyse to get value
- Report Value
How do you find comparables?
- Local area for boards.
- Auction Sites
- Inhouse records
- Speak to agents
- Online Markets
What is the investment method?
- used when there is an income stream
- rental income is capitalised to produce a capital value,
Basic investment method equation?
When is a term and reversion used? and how do you use it?
- Used for reversionary investments (market rent more than passing)
- Term is capitalised until the next lease event at an initial yield
- Reversion is at current market rent valued to perpetuity at reversionary yield (higher).
- These are then added together.
When is hardcore and layer used? and how do you use it?
- Used for over rented properties
- Bottom slice is market rent
- Top slice is rent passing less Market Rent until next lease event.
- Higher yield on top slice to reflect additional risk.
What section of the red book covers Loan Security valuation?
VGPA2 - Valuation of interests for secured lending
All Risk Yield
Remunerative rate of interest used in the valuation of fully let property let at market rent reflecting all the prospects and risk attached to the particular investment
True Yield
Assumes rent is paid in advance instead of arrears
Nominal Yield
Initial yield assuming rent is paid in arrears
Gross Yield
Yield that is not adjusted for purchasers costs.