Valuation Flashcards
L2 ex 1
- Loan security valuation of an office in Milton Keynes.
- I undertook all due diligence and statutory enquiries.
- Undertook the inspection, made notes of the property both externally and internally and took photos.
- Did my comparable evidence search, analysed and established a market rent to be applied. I used the investment method and input the data into Argus Enterprise and peer reviewed the market value with a director.
- Input the information into the report and sent to my director for peer review. Then went out in draft.
L2 ex 2
- Valuation of a Victorian property in Bayswater.
- Statutory enquiries and DD.
- Inspected, noted the quality of each of the flats.
- Gathered comparable evidence and used the comparable method to establish market rent and market value. I applied a quantum discount of 10% to the overall value.
- The values and draft report was peer reviewed and then sent out in draft format.