Valley: CNS Issues Flashcards
Superficial to deep order of the meninges:
Dura mater
Pia mater
Spinal cord
Afferent nerves are — and enter the spinal cord on the — (—) side.
Sensory , dorsal (posterior)
Efferent nerves are — and exit the spinal cord from the — (—) side.
Motor , ventral (anterior)
The spinal nerve root is connected to the paravertebral sympathetic ganglia by communicating channels called the — and — rami communicans.
White and gray
White rami carry — sympathetic pre ganglion is neurons.
Gray rami carry — sympathetic postganglionic neurons (type C fibers)
Motor nerves to skeletal muscle arise from the —— of the spinal cord.
Anterior horn
Preganglionic sympathetic nerves arise from the —— of the spinal cord.
Intermediolateral horn
What are the 2 divisions of the peripheral nervous system?
Somatic division and autonomic division
Somatic division of peripheral nervous system is made up of what two nerves?
Motor nerves to skeletal muscles
Sensory nerves for pain, touch, pressure, temp
Where is the epidural space located in relation to the ligamentum flavum: anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, or lateral?
The epidural space is anterior to the ligamentum flavum.
CN 1
CN 2
CN 3
CN 4
CN 5
CN 6
CN 7
CN 8
CN 9
CN 10
CN 11
CN 12
Function of CN 1 (olfactory)
Function of CN 2 (optic)
Function of CN 3 (oculomotor)
Moves eyes; adduction of eye (medial rectus); pupil size
Function of CN 4 (trochlear)
Moves eyes
Function of CN 5 (trigeminal)
Chews (muscles of mastication), sensory from face
Function of CN 6 (abducens)
Moves eyes; abduction of eye (lateral rectus)
Function of CN 7 (facial)
Facial muscles, taste (anterior 2/3rds of tongue)
Function of CN 8 (acoustic)
Balance (vestibular); audition (cochlear)
Function of CN 9 (Glossopharyngeal)
Taste (posterior 1/3rd of tongue); carotid body and carotid sinus afferents
Functions of CN 10 (vagus)
Many actions including decreased HR; motor control of larynx and pharynx (NB: vagus has involvement with the airway)
Function of CN 11 (accessory)
Should and head movements
Functions of CN 12 (hypoglossal)
Moves tongue
The oculomotor nerve (CN3) innervates the — rectus muscle and causes the eye to —.
Medial , adduct