validity reliability Flashcards
defining your population and representation
how the study reflects a larger population
how does sampling bias occur
Occurs when certain subgroups are overrepresented or underrepresented. * Range of Factors: Socioeconomic status, Geographic location, Occupation, On-field position in sports, Fitness Level, Age, Experience
What are descriptive statistics
provide a summary of the basic features of the Data. ecamples, age height mass competition levels,
what are the two key elements of descriptive statistics
mean= represents the average value
standard deviation= hoe spread out the values are around the mean
What is reliability
Refers to the reproducibility or consistency of a measurement when it is repeated.
how consitent an individual is at measuring a constant phenomanom.
How consistent different individuals are at measuring the same phenomenon/test
How consistent an instrument is in measuring the same phenomenon/test
What is the common measurement
Several statistical measures can be used to quantify the consistency of the data.
the correlation co efficient
Pearsons (r) is common
* Closer to 1 or -1 the closer the relationship, 0 is no relationship
co efficient of variation
lower percentage of variation the better
intraclass correlation co efficient
Essentially a reliability index. Kappa is
common in inter rater analysis
standard error of measurement
Closer to 1 the lower the error eg. “the SEM for intra rater test-retest reliability was 0.98”
What is validity
How sound is the research, in aspects of designs and methods , findings truly represent the value you want to measure
Construct validity
does the test measure the concept it intends to measure